Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Stop spreading lies.

Heard this earlier today, more as the army were keeping them in to stop them spreading it.

Thatā€™s what the ā€˜expertsā€™ are sayingā€¦ Some are suggesting 2 years before thereā€™s normality.

They reduced cases in Austria by 90% overnight

Youā€™re an awful rogue.

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All weā€™re missing now is another article from an English publication having a pop at Sweden. Whereā€™s the Swedish lockdown that the hysterical ones were promising over the holidays?

Deaths reported over the past few days (Johns Hopkins site):
UK 1,820 two days ago, 1,290 yesterday.
Ireland 60, 50
Sweden 12, 3
Lockdowns work apparently.

A year into this and the death rate in Ireland is currently significantly worse than Sweden. Cases and deaths have been dropping since mid December in Sweden, the predicted genocide hasnā€™t materialized. Once again the doomsday merchants have been proven wrong.


With Covid, you stop hearing about countries all of sudden.

How many ā€œ2 weeks from ICU will be overrunā€ stories do we see with no follow onto it?

They didnā€™t though

Thereā€™s a warning sign on the road ahead
Thereā€™s a lotta people saying weā€™d be better off dead

George Lee is on a semi discussing the new variant

Whatā€™s the explanation for this? Herd immunity?

Thatā€™s a matter of opinion

Well my opinion is based on the released numbers. Whatā€™s yours based on? Come out of the rabbit hole mate.

Keep on locking down the free worldā€¦


It looks to me to be another Mickey Mouse lock down. The cases wonā€™t drop off enough.

We should go for zero covid for 2 months that with the vaccine on top means we could be reopening on the first of April.

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2371 & 52

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Lockdown 4. Lockdown is back and this time itā€™s personal

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Lockdown 4 with a vengeance

Lock Harder


They wont because they know they have to give people a breakā€¦ This is why it will rumble on until after summer.