Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Where are these places with far more restrictions currently? Genuinely interested

Down in the shebeen again last night.

I genuinely couldn’t give a fuck any more.



What’s the age profile at the Shebeen?

We dont have to take our clothes off
To have a good time

Oh no


Here we go

@glasagusban is in a weird Venn diagram type position of being pro-lockdown but anti-foreign travel restrictions. We should stay at home and shut domestic society down so as not to spread the virus but at the same time we should be allowed travel to other countries so we can import and export the virus and because it is vital for our economy which we have closed during lockdown.

He has the most illogical view of anyone on here of the approach to this pandemic.

Don’t let anyone outside their door, shut businesses, schools down, the hospitality sector down but allow me to go and travel and do these things in another country and risk importation and exportation of the virus .

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Good luck to ya, do what you need to to make it bearable

I can’t know with any certainty but I do sometimes think how I would put up with this if I was 25 years younger.

Can I ask if you’re honest with the older people in your life about your shebeen visits? If I had a kid your age I’d rather they didn’t but I’d understand the frustration

Because we’ve just created this big yoke of a cash cow and handed it to a bunch of wankers. They’re not about to give it back and there’s no sign of a leader who is prepared to say something unpopular, take a risk with public opinion or stand up to any bollox with an ology. We’ve an infantile generation of young adults too it seems. That doesn’t help.

My parents don’t really care that much about it themselves. They’re early 60s and wouldn’t be in contact with people much older than that as their parents are dead but they’ve been visiting friends the last few weeks

Bec as use there’s so much talk of COVID here the debates are completely circular, I’m guessing you read the thread very little, this has been discussed to death. In some detail last night even.
I don’t blame you either, you couldn’t keep up

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That’s left me shaken.

I hope you had fun buddy. That’s where I would have been too if I was still a gassun.

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Glynner will declare take away coffees illegal based on this study occurring, without looking for any results

Invest in a coffee machine while you still can. Nespresso is the job

We must lockdown again to avoid the consequences of locking down. We shall defeat all viruses and death.


Your first point is incorrect pal. I don’t think we should be locked down for the last year at all regardless. We should have went with the Swedish model from the start.

The more people we get vaccinated the quicker we get out of lockdown you reckon - time will tell mate, the vaccine manufacturers have admitted the vaccines dont give immunity from the virus or stop transmission. What is their purpose then? Oh it reduces symptoms – surely ivermectin could do the same? Why isnt that an option also?

I don’t think its selfish to question a new vaccine given the above.

I’ll also comment away on restrictions pal. Just because we’ve a different view shouldnt mean that my view should be silenced. Its a very important debate.

I’m also aware my opinion is an unpopular one.

We must lockdown for months on end to avoid locking down for a month later in the year

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The swine flu vaccine a few years back was a disaster. People should be entitled to be cautious and not outcasted for it.