
In case of emergency the ventilator will drop from a compartment over head

That’s a silly post pal.

What if they live with someone at risk of dying if they contract the disease? Or even would be at risk of dying themselves?

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Sillier than yourself suggesting there’s no need to hurry with the vaccine? ICU’s all full and hospitals rationing oxygen while deaths are shooting up but you think it’s not that urgent?

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I didn’t say that, as usual you’re purposely misconstruing what I said.

What I said was that it was too early to judge whether we are slow in our vaccine rollout; and that if it is a choice between doing it quickly and doing it correctly, the latter is more important.

But sure if I said up you’d say down.

Purposely misconstruing? Really? Here’s your post.

Nothing here about vaccine rollout speed versus doing it right. Nothing at all. Your point is solely about speed. And it’s wrong. So you wait 5 days and move the goalposts.

You just quoted a post which is part of a thread of conversation. Immediately above and below the post you quoted are these posts:

So, purposely misconstruing, yes. Either that or you’re an idiot.

Having gone to the effort to search out a post from five days ago in order to score points in your own head on the internet you probably should have read a small little bit further, before you went and made a complete dickhead out of yourself.

Your point above was that there was no rush and no need for vaccinating at the weekend as you say. A week later, with outbreaks in nursing homes rife, we’re vaccinating at the weekend and pre-ordering unapproved vaccines to make sure we can get them out asap.
The vaccine arrived first weekend in Jan? We scheduled for a a start the following wednesday and were rushing up the tents to great fanfare over the weekend just gone.
I think any sane person can see that we needed to get the vaccine out asap although that seems to have just dawned on Donnelly. But sure no rush according to yourself.

I’m not sure how many more times or ways I can repeat it for you in way that you might grasp: given supplies are limited at the moment it would seem sensible to wait a week or two and make sure they are administered correctly rather than squandering them, if that is at issue, right?

That’s what we did.

I also made the point that administering vaccines at weekends on the first weeks of the process while supplies were limited wouldn’t greatly speed up the overall process.

These are fairly simple points.

You’re actually not thick, so I can only surmise your purposely misconstruing what said because you want to be a dickhead.

Did she get a 5 minute demo?

Seems special needs kids might be going back for an hour or so per day rather than the whole day from Thursday. Special Ed teachers will be in school all day but will take them in ones or twos like they do normally.

Some lovely exchanges here, gas cunts.
To the teachers, they’ve great perks tbf in general but it’s such an important role in society. The bro is a principal and I can tell you he works serious hours and has serious responsibility

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This will probably work out well for these kids to be getting the attention they need now with no other distractions.

Poor boy.

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Anyone on that Webinar? Sounds like it was a ball of shite

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Your pal got the likes. No need to flog it.

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I’ve no problem whatsoever with teachers, them and nurses work the most, the vast majority of them really care, and ref teachers a teachers warn greeting or smile is all a lot of nippers get in the way of kindness

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has always had a huge issue with teachers,
@Heyyoubehindthebushes is a more recent convert

Not a recent convert held my opinions long before I came on here. But let’s be clear teachers are like the Chinese individually great and I’ve good friends are teachers but the CCP (or ASTI) are cunts of the highest order.

Teachers never liked the fact that I am a greater educator than them

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