Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

To be fair itā€™s due to irregular amounts in the bottles. The bottles are sold as having 5 doses, but generally contain 6 and sometimes 7 doses. You have to plan based on 5 doses, but then you may end up with extra doses as the day goes on.

Whoever is planning the volume is doing a decent job tbf. Lets not get tied up with whos getting the extras as long as its going in someoneā€™s arm. 1 jab closer to pints


It seems to be fizzling out big time in the North.

Thereā€™s no one left to get it up there

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Christ. Is this moral outrage over who gets vaccines the new curtain twitching?


@glenshaneā€™s aunt hasnā€™t got it yet

And she never will. Head on her.

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Builders getting it now. Its like covid meets the celtic tiger.

Hold your jizz juice.

Shot the load. Swear I was in the UCD library

Wonder how long before Tom Parland will be roaring down a microphone on RTE demanding all construction workers get the jab

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A Prime Time investigates on the way, with an undercover reporter in scrubs reprising their role from observing the waitresses not serving the ā‚¬9 meal in pubs.


Rosin Shorthall laying into Eamon Ryan here. Granted Eamon isnā€™t there to defend himself .

Roisin is venturing into ā€˜people who are beginning to give me a pain in the holeā€™ territory.

This Green chap is pure harmless - arenā€™t they all - and heā€™s batting her away comfortably enough.

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Yeah, the screaming mary element is raising its head alright

The Social Democrats might as well not exist

Simon Harrisā€™s brother on Clare Byrne now talking about not opening up a he schools for special needs kids.

Tonight Show had Dunphy on as a COVID expert earlier on.