Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I know of a clothes shop thatā€™s open because it sells school uniforms so is deemed essential.

I bet the Healy Raeā€™s shops are all open because they are essential and if they werenā€™t they are now. :slight_smile:

Kids shoes shop are allowed open so kids feet can be measured. But kids clothes shops canā€™t stay open :man_shrugging:

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Is there any reason or exemptions that a gym can stay open under the current restrictions?

If they started selling household cleaning products or animal feed

This isnā€™t the easiest post to write but there are two side effects of these lockdowns that have been on my mind the most. So I reached out to a couple of people to get some info in the areas of suicide and cancer because I believe mental health and late Cancer diagnoses will be two of the biggest side effects of these lockdowns.

The raw unpublished numbers Iā€™ve seen around suicides in Ireland in 2020 is trending towards 550. The published figure for 2019 was 421.
[For some reason unknown to me the raw unpublished figures are significantly higher than the published ones for both 2019 and 2018. Curious]
So a current rise in suicide numbers isnā€™t fully evident to me, however, Iā€™m sad to say I do think the real danger could be yet to come.

Covid lockdown in spring coming into summer and Covid lockdown in late autumn coming into winter are two entirely different things. Days getting longer in March/April wasnā€™t a terrible spot for a lockdown to land. Compare that to the situation after the clocks change this weekend and days are dark far more than not.

My biggest concern in the area of mental health with regard to this lockdown is the guy who lost his livelihood. Facing into winter, canā€™t afford Christmas. Feels like a failure, has a disastrous Christmas, hits January, SAD kicks in and he sees nothing positive to come. And thereā€™s going to be tens of thousands of them in variations of that position scattered across towns and villages throughout the country on a scale that dwarfs previous years. Iā€™d really stress to any of ye that if ye have people important to you who are trending like Iā€™m describing above, you have to be overactive in the next 3 months to make sure they can hold it all together.

Iā€™m fortunate to not have had this impact my livelihood but itā€™s still had an impact on my mental health to some extent. I donā€™t hugely enjoy working from home 5 days a week but there are obviously worse outcomes. Iā€™ve seen similar impacts on friends and family. Itā€™s not easy right now, but the people who are hurting most will desperately need support in the coming months.

And similarly with anyone who has the slightest hint of something untoward in the area of cancer. You just canā€™t wait. Drag them, kicking and screaming, to a doctor. Itā€™s too early to know what the impact will be but from the person I talked to in the area of cancer services in Ireland theyā€™re deeply concerned with people arriving later than usual to be diagnosed. The raw numbers around cancer diagnoses would possibly suggest that numbers are marginally down but the late diagnoses are the real disaster theyā€™re seeing. Waiting just a few weeks can turn a treatable illness into a terminal illness and diagnoses are later than normal this year so far.

If thereā€™s 2 things to take from this.

  1. Check in on those who are having it rough. If you are the one in the rough spot reach out for help.
  2. The rules of cancer detection have not changed. Earlier the better. Do not wait. Do not allow anyone to wait.

Fantastic post

TomƔs Ryan saying today is one of the greatest days in Irelands History


Just switched over from Celtic to see this absolute freak advocating a 10-12 week lockdown.

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John Lee is the truth.


This English lad is calling out him and all epidemiologists as spoofers in fairness

Token response to everything ā€˜but Australiaā€™ ā€˜but Zew Zealandā€™. Utter spoofer

ā€˜But South Koreaā€™ now too

We need a moderator like Miriam on here.

4 dead babies because the headcases want to keep internal borders shut.

They are going around with drones in Melbourne to see if people are having back garden parties for AFL Grand Final day. Thereā€™s a handful of cases a day. It isnā€™t looking for cases, it is looking for rule breakers. Parts of the world and some people have gone insane.


John Lee knows the score

Just to be fair, he said it was one of the most hopeful days in months

Whether or not you agree (and I wouldnā€™t) itā€™s very very different from what you said

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Tomas Ryan is the creepiest looking person Iā€™ve ever seen. Heā€™d make your skin crawl


Iā€™d imagine the raw figures become downgraded based on coroner Court verdicts where they are slow to record suicide.

Appears to have been one major schermozzle, the scummy fascists came out the worst of it by all accounts