Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Agreed. There doesn’t appear to have been a huge bump in suicide.

There is a hell of a lot more to mental health issues than just suicide stats though. A lot of people that I know have said there are feeling down/bored/ sick of it etc. Lockdowns are ruining a lot of people’s quality of life

Number of confirmed cases in hospital up to 1285 from 1151


I’ve seen the total unofficial suicide stats from 2020.

I can confirm, based on the same comparison of 2019 data, that there has been less suicides in 2020 than 2019.


Ffs tracksuit. You’re insisting on stats to “back it up” because you dont like to see stats used in this way, while making some vague reference to a supposed report you supposedly read to make your argument.
Sanctimony, hypocrisy and bullshit in the space of a few lines. You were made for a career in politics.


Because cause of death takes a long time to establish…crime, misadventure etc all have to be ruled out etc

I would caveat that to reiterate a point I made a couple of months ago.

We’re entering a perfect storm for mental health so please be extra vigilant of the people in your life that are at risk. Similarly what I said before about anyone with the faintest suggestion of fraction of a hint of a cancer issue.

Nothing here has changed. We’ve a hard few months ahead.
Be a leader in your home and community.




@The_Most_Infamous, do you other data on this?

By companies handed million euro contracts with family links to FG.

In fairness, would you ever cop on and calm down.

Are you genuinely happy for many to die because you can’t hack a couple more months of restrictions? What does that say about you?

We have no choice fear fear fear

If you hung yourself with Covid. Are you a Covid death?

What are you raving about?

OIUTF cornavirus pints. Did I tell you its a cod.

Did I tell you I was piss taking, my original statement was ludicrous

You’re right, I didn’t fully think through what I was saying, it’s the made up hearsay stats that I object to, if there was a frightening rise in suicide for the past 9 months then I believe it’s relevant. I don’t believe that to have been the case

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Steady on now!

I’d take a punt and say the work related and school bullying suicides have abated while the lockdown suicides have taken up the slack.

Clare craig on Twitter was using uk office of national statistics to show the spike in overdose and alcohol related ambulance call outs. They either spiked or skyrocketed, I dont have the exact figures to hand.

Because they test positive, repeatedly in some cases

It’s my belief that Hospital staff aren’t exclusively using PCR tests though…