Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It’s rare Claire isn’t the biggest cunt on her show.


Going to the drop in centre this afternoon

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Pat Kenny looking to fence off everything.

A third person could end up in ICU if action isn’t taken immediately


You have Hayfever.

That is what I think it may well be. I never had hayfever in my life up to 2 months ago. Had a head old I couldn’t shift for weeks with a real scratch in my throat. took some decongestant and a daily zirtak sorted it.

Baby sitter had sinusitis and the baby had an ear infection last week. Get the feeling I have picked up something viral. Call with my doctor shortly who will no doubt tell me to get tested

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Clarityn is your only man for hayfever.

Telfast is also decent.

Do u find Clarityn good? I’m using Telfast. I used to get a steroid injection every summer and not a sniffles after. Bad for kidneys so they don’t give them out anymore.

Loads of walk in centres now.

Mrs had to be sent home from work last week cos she just had a cough. Couldn’t be referred for a test because of the HSE data issues so we drove down to test centre in Ardee. Results were about 28 hours later. Negative of course but she wasn’t allowed back to work without it

My older lad gets it really bad - on some prescription one. The doc reckons most adults could benefit from an anti-hystamine during summer as a prophylactic. It’s good to take one before you go away (when we could ) - helps stop crazy reaction to any insect bites.

Did you ever try the intra red probe that goes in your nose for a few minutes each day

Poor @carryharry will wet the bed altogether then.

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I’ve got hayfever for as long as I can remember - constant sneezing, watery eyes, the sniffles being the main symptoms.

Usually take Clarityn and it cleared it all up straight away.

Started Telfast recently and the same result.


Deflection is futile.

Genuflection is futile.

The public will demand their chips with gravy

The Nepalese variant is causing serious concerns


It’ll be like the flu. There’s no hay-fever this year. It’s all covid.

The AZ vaccine accelerates it I believe.

that’s your comeuppance now for making fun of Spock