You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Im almost certain they still do

I know the beacon and mater private ask you to go there 3 or 4 days prior for a covid test.

I havenā€™t been tested the last few times Iā€™ve been to the mater private, last time as recently as a fortnight ago. I have to complete a questionnaire in advance is all.

They must have changed so. My dad had to go up for his surgery there in April. Tested positive and surgery was cancelled. Has since had it though after it was rescheduled. Wife has to go up to Beacon next week, has to do covid test this week up there before she has surgery.

Might be different for surgery. Iā€™m going in for day therapy.

Think Iā€™m in the same boat here.

Never had an issue before now but before taking a Anti-histamine this evening I sounded & looked like death warmed up.

Complete bastard of a thing

Its a bad hayfever year. The oul lad is a good barometer- he only gets it once every few years and this year is a bitch.
Im tortured myself

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Antigen test sales rocketingā€¦.

Tissues also

Iā€™ve no runny nose, just blocked. Tbh, all my symptoms are more Sinus infection related.

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I would always associate hay fever as being a spring thing

Unlucky for you if you get it mid summer roo

I think/hope Iā€™ve a Sinus infection.

Most people would benefit from an anti histamine every day or every second day for a few weeks during summer. Shouldnā€™t take them if you have high
Blood pressure

Iā€™d also always take them for a few days before and during any holiday some place warm - good to have in the system if you get a mosquito bite.


Iā€™m utterly fucked this week from it. Head is blocked and have a ball of phlegm at the back of my throat since Monday - can shift it at all

How do you know itā€™s covid?

Do a video consultation with your GP and get a prescription for an antibiotic to clear the chest. Thatā€™s what got me back on my feet.

I never said it was covid, i was replying to Carryharry about hayfever

Thank fuck.

Must be savage bad if itā€™s getting mistaken for hayfever

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