Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

These are the type of people obsessed with PCR testing and case numbers.

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Stick to forking silage.

It’s encouraging to hear an expert confirm that talking about cases or infections based on PCR testing is is utter bollox.

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Thank you.

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Lovely lady on here from the airport. ‘Our eyes were dancing just to see our customers back’ I know exactly how she feels :heart_eyes:


I don’t give much credence to that Chise account. There’s something off about it, it’s far too pollyannaish and its tweets have attracted a sizeable bot and troll type following which I suppose would explain why Dimmy quotes it. There’s a fierce bang of Karol Sikora, “everything is great!” off it. But at least Sikora put his name to his tweets, so people could know for sure he was somebody to disregard.

Beautiful scenes. Boris Boris Boris

I believe she works for Moderna. I’ve certainly seen a few scientists/academics interact with her like they know who she is. Think she mentioned that she prefers to stay anonymous as the zero covid fundamentalists have tried to doxx her numerous times.


There are a lot of scientists who post anonymously due to the abuse and threats they get on social media. I don’t follow her but a quick look at her posts confirms she is not a layperson.

Interesting view point that should perhaps allow Covid 19 to become a common childhood illness and build immunity that way rather than vaccinations.


There are plenty of untrustworthy people who put their names to tweets about Covid, and Dimmy has probably linked to most of them at this stage, the Fat Emperor, Graham Neary, Karol Sikora, Michael Levitt etc. But if somebody who claims to be in such a position at Moderna is not willing to put their name to their tweets, they’re not worth trusting, because there is no accountability as to what they say. Literally anybody can set up such an account. I’ve seen more than enough from the account over the last few months to know that it has a clear agenda to push an ultra-cheerful attitude at all costs. That isn’t reality.

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This would be the same online abuse that you and other Trumpbots have spent years downplaying and the OIUTFers here have spent a year whipping up. Fairly silent when Diane Abbott was taking it, weren’t yis.

Bullshit. The threat of being doxed, harassed, threatened etc. is a very real one. There are serious nutcases around who have no problem trying to destroy people, we even have at least one of said nutters on this site.


I could probably pick out about seven or eight of yis in the OIUTF cult that would do such things.


I’ve never doxxed anybody here - but I have been doxxed myself by people on this site - and banned from it before because of fake accounts other people here set up - so no, it very much isn’t.

UK only

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She used to be semi anonymous. She got attacked by the anti vaxxers as well as the Zero Covid types, the latter being her most ardent critics for refusing the “that vaccine doesn’t work” headlines they like to tweet.

You’d have to be off your rocker not to put your entire faith in an anonymous Twitter account that hides behind the persona of a cartoon character as a saviour.

Or something like that.

This must be about the seventh or eighth Twitter account Dimmy has turned to as a saviour to reassure him everything’s fine.