Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

@Cheasty there no winning with some loons. Cork after all :joy::joy:

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Why are daily cases at 2k a day in Ireland when almost the entire adult population are vaccinated? It was less than 500 a day back in Feb/March when vaccination levels were low.

Give it your best shot.


Holohan needs to come out with a heavyweight statement instead of sending that teaboy Glynn out to do a mans job. Holohan needs to put the fear of god into them


No. I said what I meant to say, not what you said I saidā€¦as youā€™ve clearly realised



Oh dear.

Where did I make this statement?

:rofl::rofl::rofl: because there are literally millions upon millions of extra interactions between people every day now. Sure we were locked down in March here you lunatic. Do you honestly think vaccinations increase the incidence of infections? Surely all highly vaccinated countries should be riddled so?


Why are there millions and millions of extra interactions? Because people have been told they are safe and vaccination stops transmission. The science says it doesnā€™t. With the Delta variant transmission between the vaccinated is just as high as it was between the unvaccinated prior to vaccination. Read that a few times and see if it sinks in.

Write a letter to your TD and ask them of the 2k that are testing positive each day in Ireland how many are vaccinated.

Itā€™s utterly pointless comparing a Level 5 lockdown in Ireland to now.

Thatā€™s quite funny

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Whats the situation in Ireland lads? is there savage tension in the air as ye stand on the knife edge?

The next seven days are critical

where did it all go wromg? only 3 days ago it was all sunny uplands and open nightclubs and lads drinking at the bar breathing on each other? now its put your mask on and go to bed at half ten

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Winter is coming and itā€™s caught people by surprise.

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I wonder if heā€™ll comment on it?


The impact of western style lockdowns on viral spread after the first months of the pandemic is highly debatable as you well know. Ireland has 4X the number of cases now as it had in March, which you attribute to easing restrictions? Sweden has 1/4 the level of cases now compared to March and never had a lockdown.

The significant change since March is not lockdowns or no lockdowns, itā€™s Delta.