Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

That would be done in a lab wouldnt it?

Post of the year. Well done sir

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Yeah, itā€™s a bit sickening when they try and pretend they are doing it for some common good when the real motive is not to work.


At the lack of a coherent and ambitious vaccine roll out?

A very minor issue in the grand scheme of things.

Level 5 full lockdown here we come.

He is too kango hammer to see same.

The level of obtuseness is off the charts.

When is this online learning supposed to happen if both parents are at work? Do I need to spend the next week training my 5 year old to use the Internet and flake away on his own? If there are 4 kids in a house and one computer what is the plan?

Online is grand in theory but will not work in practise IMO


Would you think so?.

Only a lad who liked getting squashed would pipe up.

Online is just optics. A complete waste of time. Might just be ok for motivated senior cycle students but pointless for younger kids.


Lockdown post Christmas was inevitable.

I think what annoys people is itā€™s all very blunt instrument. Huge crowds in indoor shopping centres last few days. Queues in those indoor centres to get into shops. Seems no square footage guidance publicly available and no social distancing.

Hairdressers/barbers seem to have no affect on virus but are closed. Gyms with individual pod training closed. But weā€™ll leave Woodies etc open.

Anyway weā€™ll have a lockdown and I hope the scrutiny on the vaccine roll out ramps up - why are there no mass vaccination centres ready to go - the only constraint should be the 40k per week doses and not the 180 vaccinators when we have 100k nurses GPs and pharmacists who can be used


Ah itā€™s not pointless. Our school was well organised and they got something out of it.

Thereā€™s a teacher in the house so thatā€™s a distinct advantage.

She teachers in a different school than where our kids go to. Itā€™s a Deis school so a huge amount of difficult backgrounds.

The kids are absolutely lost when school is closed despite a serious attempt made to do it online.

School is their main hope of breaking the cycle. Closing school for any length of time is incredibly bad for those kids.



Why are the media so quiet on this?

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This was all available for previous lockdowns in fairness so either itā€™s been removed from websites or retailers are just ignoring it


For any kids

What about non sports like horse racing and golf?

I still donā€™t understand though. I get that you are saying they work less well as time goes on but they undeniably still ā€˜workā€™. They lower the case numbers hospitalisations and deaths.
Are you saying hypothetically at this exact moment if you were placed in charge of ireland you would move to a level 1 or 2?

Tax payers should get the vaccine first so they can get back to work and keep the country going .dole heads, medical card holders, tinkers , should be left last to go

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You are so self confidently thick that it beggars belief. Reading Jordan Petersen et al is not thinking. You cannot address my point about why countries that did less ā€“ the correct thing to do, on your lights ā€“ are not now in a significantly better position than counties that did more. Your own ā€˜logicā€™ is that type of cookie named a pretzel. Risible comments about Sweden were called out by @mikehunt above. But you will own not those fatuities, out of pretzel ego.

At the moment, for many countries, avoiding lockdown would be effectively granting the virus free reign. The reason you cannot see/admit this truth is because you are in mental hock to a demented ideological perspective. Problems are solved by pragmatists, not by Mad Max fantastists. To the likes of you, this craic is but a freemasonā€™s handshake, an efficient means of identifying the fellow demented.

You cannot even make a stab at addressing the key point about a de facto rolling lockdown within a non lockdown. Why? Because you cannot think. Guff about care homes cuts no analytical ice. Like the other kangos, you have no solutions.

Truth told, you could not think to save your life. Which is fine, so long as you are not talking about other lives.

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Indeed but some a lot more than others.

Iā€™d have no fear for ours even though we could see the regression in the social skills of the 6 year old.

Sheā€™d be a bit odd going. Hard to believe one of my kids could be like that I hear none of you say but there you go.