NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Thought nightclubs, pubs etc were back to normal​:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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You have to admire the way Boris gives them a few days grace to go absolutely at it before shutting things down again.


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The swedes were the only ones who kept their heads when all about them were losing theirs


It’s remarkable to think that Sweden who never had a lockdown are done with Covid while the rest of the western world are either still in lockdown six months later or looking at re imposing lockdowns. This is exactly what was predicted by the astute posters (the murderers) on TFK back in March, once you enter lockdown you can never truly leave.

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Oh yes you can

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I thought you were better than that. Christ above.

Boris says stay calm and wash your hands

Great post

History will judge him (and Sweden) kindly.


Any groups of more than 6 will be arrested says Boris

@Batigol has been saying that for ages.

Immense bravery shown in the face of the shrieking

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John Bull is gone back into hiding

Back in under the bed.

John Bull was laughing at Paddy only last week. He’s not laughing anymore

Not really. Just another in a series of utterly bizarre rules made up on the hoof which most people will ignore.
No groups of more than six unless you’re
On public transport
At work
At school
At the gym
At a restaurant
In the pub
Etc etc.
It’s classic Boris.
He’s too dim to make any informed judgement and too cowardly to actually act on reasonable advice.
His entire career has been doing his damnedest to run with the hare and the hounds.
He’s hence locking down, but not locking down.


Oz seems to have gone buckwild with the under the bed stuff, Victoria anyway. People let out for an hour a day, permission needed to leave the country etc keeping up with the ahernes?

Yup. One of the problems in Australia is that States don’t really raise money but spend it. The Premier wants to look like a great boy, after they messed up in June.

Mother of Christ