Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I agree, I think lockdown was inevitable, though this British variant and people mixing over Xmas accelerated it. I dont think retail would be half as busy in January anyway, and people generally wont mix as much.

What I would do tomorrow, if I was in this government, (for what itā€™s worth) would be to keep the new ā€œLevel 5 Minusā€ restrictions for another few weeks. I think gyms are worth keeping open as the positive outweighs the negative there from a health point of view. I would keep ā€œnon essentialā€ (I fucking hate that term to describe someoneā€™s job or business) retail open, but maybe enforce limits inside shopping centres.

I dont think the travel restrictions make a lot of sense but a stay within your county wouldnā€™t be too restrictive for most people.

Iā€™d keep schools open.

I would also agree that the speed of the vaccine rollout needs to be kept in the limelight.

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Sometimes less is more

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A typo, thanks.

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Why? It hadnā€™t been tried before, the WHO pandemic response guidelines were against it. Thereā€™s no evidence that they work.

I make that comment in the context of what the government were going to do. I think lockdowns dont belong in Western Democracies

Itā€™s vaccine or bust at this stage so the speed of the vaccine roll out should be front and centre in all media by now.

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Thank God you are not in a position to make decisions like that.

Just another small example of the shit show that we put up withā€¦ is the testing centre in Galway at the airport. The entrance lane to the test centre is the hard shoulder of the main Cranmore to Galway road. The surface of the lane is barley wide enough to hold a car and there are bushes growing out onto the lane at various points. I guarantee you Galway County Council were swimming in money in Q4 and a 80m stretch of tarmac along with a bit of Bush cutting would have made the hole thing safer. But noā€¦

And alsoā€¦ Does it really help parents with kids being tested that the place looks like a fucking concentration camp? Might help things if they threw up a few Mickey Mouse posters or somethingā€¦ Just an idea.


Christ aboveā€¦

Hope theyā€™re all well.

The council would have fished out milluns in restart grants and got no rates paid.

Unless paschal has coughed up Iā€™d say theyā€™d fuck all cash.

That said sounds daft.

I read that as ā‚¬80m and I was thinking you were trying to get the bypass diverted to the airport or something

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As regards Co Councilā€™s.

There has been a huge amount of money spent in Nov & December using up budgets.

Iā€™d imagine nobody saw this wave comingā€¦

Always is. The old spend it or lose it. Another bizarrity of ireland.

I had a section begging for invoice before Xmas. Batshit crazy stuff, money not a factor just quote fast and invoice faster.

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All grand mate. I was out that way today but thankfully not for a test.

Suppliers canā€™t supply all the windows 10 laptops that were approved for funding in Dec with surplus public sector money. The place was sloshing with covid cash.

God no

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My point was about the virus becoming stronger through mutation. This facet is a new one to consider.

The fact that the WHO have been far from wonderful on various issues is neither here nor there on this front.

We do not live in a perfect world. So be it, WHO and all.

How would you prevent a de facto rolling lockdown within a non lockdown?

Thatā€™s fucking gas. What a country.