Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I have a couple of spare pairs if you send me a PM. Leviā€™s and Wranglers.

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@Tierneevin1979 Has given the poor lad who writes for the Kilkenny people an awful chasing here.


Iā€™m more sanguine about a lockdown for the next couple of months on the proviso we properly subsidise businesses closed and that this is the end of it.

Rolling lockdowns without a vaccine was insanity.


Announcement of stupidity alert

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You answered your own question. You have to stay locked down indefinitely which is not just not practical but as we are discovering not possible. When enough people have decided getting infected is less of a concern than being in lockdown you have lost the battle.

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The only one who made any prediction about Sweden on TFK was yourself where you said Sweden were done with Covid. You got it horribly wrong. You should really desist from pretending to know anything about this.


All sports apart from tennis yachting and astro football gone

Iā€™m not sure to be honest. Like the swab is confirmed positive but Iā€™m not sure where the backlog occurs between a positive swab to a case being confirmed in the figures announced on the news.


We are subsidising businesses here. We gave one of the biggest businesses in the world a 13bn tax write off recently enough. Even paid their legal fees.

They wonā€™t though. Theyā€™ll roll out a scheme that seems great and then make it a pain in the bollocks to administer.

The CRSS is a classic. Theyā€™ll pay you if youā€™re shut but not if you choose to shut because your footfall has been decimated.


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There is a further manual check on the swabs to cross reference with source data according to that conor riocht guy on Twitter which accounts for some of the discrepancy

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Heā€™s 23 so far from a young ladā€‹:rofl: heā€™s grand drinking :beer: and eating away fine a bit of a cough but not tired or thrown down has TV PlayStation dart board etc down in his room so isnā€™t short of things to do youngest feeling very sorry for herself is 18 next week which will be another non event after the Leaving Cert debs college being mainly online etc etc


That would be done in a lab wouldnt it?

Post of the year. Well done sir

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Yeah, itā€™s a bit sickening when they try and pretend they are doing it for some common good when the real motive is not to work.


At the lack of a coherent and ambitious vaccine roll out?

A very minor issue in the grand scheme of things.

Level 5 full lockdown here we come.