Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Mandating vaccines is about protecting society in a pandemic. This is a collective problem.

Itā€™s up to scientists to decide whether young children should be eligible for vaccination, not me.

ā€œPushingā€ is very conspiratorial language and designed to equate health authorities to illegal drug pushers.

So one of the most common things you hear from the immune illiterate is that variants emerge from uncontrolled infection. That is somewhat true, because as the virus reproduces billions of times in each human it infects and thousands of trillions of times worldwide it will mutate and variants will emerge. However, if everyone was vaccinated the selective pressure on the virus is to favor mutations that escape vaccine immunity. The only thing we can say with certainty is that the virus will continue to mutate and new variants will emerge, with or without vaccination.

Incorrect. Itā€™s up to parents of young children to decide if they should be eligible for vaccination. Not you. And not scientists.

Andrew Croxford outlines them in this thread:

No, itā€™s up to scientists.

If the parents of a young child wanted them to get vaccinated now, they could not do so, because young children are currently not eligible.

Also deeming an age group eligible for vaccination is not making it compulsory. People over 80 are still free to refuse the vaccine should they so wish.

Iā€™m glad to see youā€™ve changed your tune on this. @gaillimhmick was pointing you to a few articles by a scientist that understands what heā€™s taking about, and who warned that the COVID vaccines are leaky vaccines. They confer limited immunity and do not stop people getting sick or transmitting the virus. They will also need regular boosters. Worst of all, leaky vaccines set up a constant mutation in the viruses they protect against because viruses evolve to get around vaccines. Due to the mutant viruses that the vaccinated are shedding, the roll out of these vaccines in the middle of a pandemic could be looked upon in time as a massive public health mistake. They will also be viewed as a massive financial coup.


Iā€™m just pointing out that your problem is not solved by demanding vaccination. In terms of safety you would be much better off asking for a recent antibody test, as it gives current immunity status of the individual. Immunity wears off so there is no guarantee that anyone you encounter is safe, best assume that everyone is a risk.

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Aye. Handing out these injectables during a pandemic would have been bad enough if they didnā€™t take weeks to gain potency, meanwhile the injected encounters the virus which now has the vaccine to practice on.
You literally couldnā€™t make it up etc


Sorry but the more people that are vaccinated, the safer everybody will be.

If weā€™re serious about making society as safe from this virus as possible, this will happen in tandem with non pharmaceutical interventions like masks, social distancing where possible, mass testing (PCR and antigen), and better ventilation.

Trust no one.

Youā€™re proposing to make society safe with interventions that you genuinely, and I mean this with no disrespect, have no clue about the long-term implications of. What we need is proper public health policies that factor all of these things, rather than slavishly drooling over case numbers like NPHET.


The Alpha, B.1351 and P.1 and Delta variants all emerged before vaccination.

Mass spread enables variants to evolve.

The UK study shows that the vaccines are less effective against Delta than Alpha, and concluded that rates of reinfection are similar for Delta and prior infection. The Israel study is more recent so is is a better measure of how immunity is holding up. Either way, both are solid research and shouldnā€™t be dismissed.

Thereā€™s literally no evidence for negative long term implications of vaccination. Thereā€™s every evidence for the extreme negative effects of Covid spread, both on an individual and societal level. Millions of deaths as the most basic and obvious extreme negative effect.

Iā€™m not really sure what unintended consequences the non-pharmaceutical interventions can have. They promote confidence, which is what societies and economies thrive on.

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How do you propose stopping mass spread? Say in India or Brazil?

Social distancing? Working from home? Better ventilation in shanty towns?

The left are completely detached from reality.

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Thatā€™s what viruses do be doing mate. Itā€™s in their nature. When faced with an immune response, they mutate. I can follow all the points youā€™re making. I donā€™t agree with them all. I think we need to be more considerate and understanding, taking the middle of the road as much as possible.

The data from the African countries on case numbers and deaths is fascinating.

Thereā€™s literally no evidence for the positive long-term implications of the COVID vaccines.


I didnā€™t dismiss anything.

One basic thing that is so basic Iā€™m surprised people havenā€™t noted it - Israel has exclusively used mRNA vaccines at a three week interval. A UK study suggests the optimum interval for immunity is 10 weeks.

The findings suggest:

  • a three-week schedule generated fewer of the neutralising antibodies that can bind the virus and stop it infecting cells than a 10-week interval

Well we saw the alternative of not doing those things in India in April. An estimated 4 million dead.

To ignore that would seem a lot, lot more detached from reality, I think.