Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

They can’t use antigen testing as long as irish children have access to butter or Soda water. They need to be criminalised first. Prohibition on butter, soda water and alcohol is the only way to fight covid


The children could have had a gin and tonic just before taking the test, and then where would we be?

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I will fully support any party that pushes g&ts for school kids. Get them away from those dangerous shorts like jagermeister or after shock

He’s nailing his colours to the mast there. 2,000 to 4,000 childhood hospitalisations for Covid.

If his predictions are way off the mark the media will call him out.

:laughing: :laughing:

Orla Hegarty who is an architect is on Virgin Media discussing masks and the mental development of children.

Next week an ice cream van man will be designing a house on Room to Improve.


American idiot by green day came on the radio today. The first verse struck a cord with me. Substitute American with Irish and it sums up the last 2 years

Don’t wanna be an American idiot
Don’t want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck America

Im no conspiracy theorist but don’t try telling me these people aren’t zombies


Tony Holohan is a gas man.


The last sting of a dying wasp, its over Tony. No one gives a shit anymore

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RIP Paul.

We had an underage game last week where we had a player who was a close contact, tested negative on PCR but because he was only partially jabbed he could not play the game.

His brother who only got his second jab the week before was allowed play.

A crazy crazy world we live in.


Surely now that we are over 90% vaccinated the vaccine passports can go? We’re not planning on having unvaccinated sit outside forever

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We’ve been blessed with the weather up to now. A couple of weeks of rain will have people baying to fully open up.

They’re going next month

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I suppose they’ll to invent a lapsed status for lads who fall behind with boosters…Will they be outside with the unclean?

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He needs to go

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Yeah thats the rational thought process. Unfortunately this is not a rational country. A lot of people will lap this up. We are the outlier in Europe

Even the media clowns see the bullshit