Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I travelled through 4 European countries last week. I wouldn’t think we are an outlier at all.

I’m merely highlighting what happens in real life when mentallers’ bullshit is listened to.


You do it with a sense of glee and innuendo.

I don’t know why someone would callously use victims to score points. It’d deeply cynical and says a lot about psyche.

Obesity is the biggest cause of death in western world ?

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You are angry with the dad for highlighting the lies pedalled by uneducated buffoons. You’re beyond help but I’m sure there are still a number of “stupid but savable” out there who will listen to his message.

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I just don’t feel the need to take glee in the deaths of people like you do.

You’d wonder if they were glowing with joy when the millions of people over the last few decades who hadn’t taken a flu shot died of flu?

If not, why not? Very strange

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I suppose it’s a guilty conscience. Guys like Mike like to attach themselves to some sort of moral crusade but they don’t like it being pointed out hollow they are at the core.

Anyone that peddles anti vaxx nonsense should be up for manslaughter

You’re furious with the father for providing real life evidence that contradicts your mentaller opinions based on nothing but paranoia and anger.

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I had a quick look back through this thread to when @mikehunt posted the press report of the mother & daughter dying, because you’ve accused him of taking glee out of dead people’s deaths.

Can you quote the post where he actually does this because I must have missed it?

Did I name a poster?

I said it’s sad to see posters gleefully posting up articles of people who died after testing positive for Covid.

Some people see to be getting great joy out of it.

I got lynched on here last week for pointing out that one of those people who an article was posted about happened to be overweight by the same people who were reveling in her death.

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OK That raises 2 questions really.

Can you name or quote these poster/posts?

How can you tell that these posts are posted “gleefully”?

Yes. Where did I name you as posting up articles.

I did say you were taking glee in it.

Evidence of that below.

Sid is one.

Because why else are they done and why is this thread flooded with them.

Do you want me to go around using fit and healthy people who have died or being seriously ill after reactions to the vaccine?

Or is that a little too balanced for your fascist outlook?

Now that’s what I’d call an over reaction.

There are many possible reasons including pointing out to nutters that ignoring the preponderance of medical advice is an unwise thing to do.

You could do that but I think you’ll increasingly find that the unvaccinated are in bigger trouble from Covid that the vaccinated.

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Are they?

Have a look at the article above. Tell me if you think underlying health conditions like obesity might be at play? Obese people should be getting vaccinated, I won’t argue that, so should anyone with an underlying condition or anyone who is elderly.

But if they don’t, they don’t and it’s their own lives they put at risk.

Take the BBC lady last week, 5 months after her death the coroner finally rules she died as a result of a reaction from the vaccine - she was 44 with no underlying health conditions.

Now it takes 5 months to rule that the vaccine was the cause of her death.

For the lady above, it took a positive Covid test within 28 days of her death to result in her death being chalked down as a Covid stat, regardless of whether or not it was Covid.

Why does one take 5 months of investigation and ruling and another one is just arbitrarily recorded?

We live in a snowflake world that is afraid to tackle obesity due to fear of offending people.

Yes, they are. There are, as many doctors have confirmed, many more unvaccinated people in hospital than vaccinated people. Furthermore, the unvaccinated patients are in worse condition than the vaccinated.

If you want to argue that it’s unvaccinated obese people occupying more beds than vaccinated obese people, you’re goin to have to produce the results of some real research on that

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What I’m saying is you bring a degree of fascism here, complete intolerance to people exercising their free will on whether to get a vaccine or not.

If you’re fit and healthy and under 40, you don’t need the vaccine. The chances of you dying is extremely, extremely rare.

Give the vaccine to those who need it, encourage those who need it, run a campaign encouraging specific groupings to get it - the elderly, those with underlying conditions and most importantly - those are obese.