Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Lack of intelligence, inability to consider complex problems, and a deep psychological need to hear such complex problems reduced to crude conspiracy theory soundbytes and constant violent rhetoric against people who live in the reality based world.

All of Europe anyway.

The two places where zero covid was a success, NZ and Australia, are now moving away from it. Which shows up the stupidity of you still advocating for Ireland to implement zero covid just a few months ago.

At some point you might have to consider the possibility that it’s not everyone except you that is wrong.


Yes. Sam says stuff about ivor, ivor is given a chance to respond etc…otherwise you’d have lots of naive ill-informed lads forming opinions on the basis of what smug bigots like Sam and William decide is best for them


NZ are not moving away from it. Taiwan are implementing it successfully. Australia has done so with great success. So too South Korea. India is now doing so too.

I have never once seen you properly engage with an ISAG point.

Consider the notion of Covid endemicity.

Can you tell us that if this winter, if Covid now spreads widely around Europe and elsewhere - as now looks likely - that a new variant that supercedes Delta will not emerge?

Delta has an R value of we think around the 5 to 9 range. Variants emerge from mass spread.

What happens if a variant emerges that has an R value of, say 15? What about 18? Measles has an R value of up to 18.

Why would you think that in a mass spread environment that such a variant could not emerge?

You are promoting measures that will likely lead to mass spread. So it’s your question to answer.

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That’s one of your most stupid posts yet, I’m sorry I read it.

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Sorry, but that’s not an answer. And it only reveals your embrace of stupidity, not mine.

I am raising very serious, pertinent points here.

You are refusing - and that’s what it is - refusing - to consider any viewpoint other than your own.

I don’t know why you’re doing that. I can only surmise that it’s fear and denial.

But what is very clear is that you have not done your homework on this issue, and having read your posts for most of the pandemic, that, sad to say, has been the case throughout.

I expect a lot better from somebody who has traditionally been one of the better posters on the forum.

Ivor’s response was to threaten legal action. Did he really think that would scare McBride off exposing him for the charlatan he is?
If Ivor won’t call Talkback to put them straight maybe you could on his behalf.

How do you know? Did Sam tell you, or was it the bbc?

We’re they taking calls? Was he invited? Was William protecting you?

Warned yis all last week about this.

Sorry to say I told yis so, but I told yis so.

Yesterday’s change in mood music came as a total shock to most of this forum.

It shouldn’t have done.

Tell me all about Ivor’s qualifications, pal.

The 10 per cent unvaccinated driving 50 per cent of the hospital cases currently I’m reading. The edgy lads on here last week were celebrating the fact that the unvaccinated Callum Robinson scored a few goals for Eire and how it was great that it gave a two fingers to those concerned by the current state of affairs.


First tell me about Sam’s

Different topic I think. Studies have shown that unvaccinated and vaccinated who tested positive had similar ranges of viral loads (wide variations within each group but not between them). How infectious they are isn’t as obvious as there are numerous factors involved in transmission.

In people who develop severe disease they have high viral loads but also a poor immune response, so the disease progresses into their lungs. So in sick individuals a high viral load is associated with increased disease severity and mortality.

Sam is a reporter, mate. He isn’t running social media channels making claims about Covid, Vaccination, conspiracy theories etc etc.

What are Ivor’s qualifications in the fields of, say, epidemiology? Virology? Public Health? Any of those at all. Or anything that might be in any way relevant at all.

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“I don’t know any country in the world that’s done better than us”, says Lisa Chambers.

Jaysus fooking Christ.

Misplaced hubris rarely ends well.

He has an opinion and he supports that opinion…that’s all really. Many people find his some or all of his views interesting and valid, others dismiss them.

Which of his views were analysed for the benefit of the listeners?



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So no qualification. You know what they say about opinions and arseholes I’d guess.

No, like I said- reasoned opinions. People are free to listen and make their own mind up. Or they could rely on William to insttuct them