You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Itā€™s in Belgium already. Those howling again for shutting down the borders are revealing their stupidity again.


This is complete bollocks. The one thing we need is clear and consistent advice and messaging, instead what we get from Martin and Holohan is the advice and the advice.


What I dismissed were the stupid, pointless and racist efforts to keep the variants out, we canā€™t undo all our good work, etc.

Iā€™ve been proved wrong once again. Niac recommending boosters for everyone. Fair play niac someone lit a fire under them. Lash them out.

Someone who has received a vaccination is vaccinated.

Take it up with the Health Dept if you want to dispute their figures

94% of deaths coming from a cohort with 100% vaccine uptake and you once again arenā€™t interested in why this could possibly be if its the unvaccinated driving it?

I asked you a question. Why donā€™t you answer?

I mean itā€™s not as if I havenā€™t asked you before.

Here was your response. You considered the idea that a new, much worse variant could emerge as ā€œstupidā€.

I asked you again. This was your response.

So you have zero idea of how we should respond to a situation which you refused to foresee, and you ridiculed even the idea that it could happen.

Youā€™re like the green jersey ā€œeconomistsā€ in 2007 telling us all about the soft landing we were about to have.

No I didnā€™t. Stop misquoting me and stop making up things that I said and replying to those instead.

What is said, for clarity, is that your post was stupid.

Yes you did. Itā€™s there in front of you. And how the fuck could I be misquoting when Iā€™m only using your own words?

Stand over your words, or emojis as may be the case.

You ridiculed the idea there would be a new, worse variant.

Now that was stupid.

One jab of a 2 jab vaccine doesnā€™t mean anything

The pharma companies must have been lying when they said even one jab gave you great protection initially. Do you take every new lie they tell you as gospel over the old one they told you?


You must have some sort of mental block, Iā€™m trying to tell you in plain English, your post was stupid.

The doomsday merchants are getting really excited by the South African variant.

Great stuff from NIAC here. As an aside, Iā€™m really enjoying life since turning 40 recently.

Ah sure who hasnā€™t been blamed yet? Poor kids under 12 are being blamed now, last it was the unvaccinated foreigners.

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You say a post which correctly forecasted what has now happened was ā€œstupidā€.

Mental block indeed.

God only knows what rabbit is working the controls in your brain at the moment.

The neo-liberal big pharma shills will point everywhere else to blame for this because they were gullible enough to trust big pharma had solved this.

23rd of April 2021 that article is it?

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Do you not back yourself enough to explain how it was stupid?

You seem unable to debate a point or frame an argument.


Are you telling us science got it wrong then when they said one jab gave you great protection? If they were wrong then why would they be right now?

This is Delta on steroids

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