Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You are introducing a ludicrous red herring and are not addressing the actual issue.

It is an appalling standard of debating on your part and sadly representative of the appalling standard of debating and wilful stupidity of the OIUTF cult here.

Itā€™s a very simple question and likely a reality. We have a ferocious shortage of nurses in this country. Half the MHQ population was nurses from India. We have to be pragmatic about this. I think everyone (except maybe very young kids) should be vaccinated, and I think itā€™s stupid for a nurse or doctor not to be. But we live in the real world, in Ireland with an appalling health service. We need nurses and doctors.

I would have thought it was a no brainer but hey what do we know?

The problem of losing the very small amount of nurses and doctors who refuse to be vaccinated is a problem that is preferable to having those unvaccinated staff going around like ticking time bombs, the risk of them causing outbreaks in hospitals and care homes ever present.

Such irresponsibility is in my book nothing less than insisting on the right to inflict culpable homicide.

Have we any idea of how many hospital staff are actually unvaccinated? Anyone got any stats on it at all? Iā€™d imagine not, seed as people retain the right to privacy with their own medical history. And we do know that the hse talked of redeploying unvaccinated staff. So is this argument not a whole load of bollox over what is probably a tiny number of people if any. Not particularly at you @Cheasty more at anyone who wants to dig in over an issue we cant quantify at all.


Also Sid:



Huh, I donā€™t get to decide whatā€™s best for anybody, Iā€™m merely expressing an opinion,
Unlike you I donā€™t have a very high opinion of myself, Iā€™m just an ordinary Joe of medium intelligence, I have opinions that arenā€™t always backed up by obscure statistical evidence, but theyā€™re just my opinions, I neither have nor want any power over peopleā€™s medical care, Iā€™d think an unvaccinated healthcare worker to be a selfish prick but Iā€™d say they wouldnā€™t give a fuck what I think


Percentage of Healthcare staff fuly vaccinated in the 26 is in the high 90s. Norn Iron is in the 70s.

They are real rebels up there

Savage thanks. Have you a source for that?

Funnily enough Iā€™d think anyone with a bit of manners and humility would have more respect for workers who put their lives at risk while others stayed at home


Well they could reduce their risk if they took the jab.

Really? How much would a healthy 30 year old with natural immunity reduce their risk?

And they would be correct not to give a fuck what you think. One month into the pandemic in April 2020, almost 4,000 heathcare workers had contracted Covid in Ireland, 159 had been hospitalized and 5 had died. Today that number of dead healthcare workers is in the hundreds of thousands worldwide.

Healthcare workers were the most exposed by far to Covid and the most lied to during the pandemic, equipped with shit PPE, told for months that transmission was droplet when it was known it was airborne, asked to work insane hours, not allowed take time off, while their management worked from home.

The reluctance of some health care workers to get vaccinated is mainly due to trust issues, they simply donā€™t trust what they are being told. Itā€™s especially the case in nursing home workers who were the most impacted, a high percentage of whom have had Covid.


Myself and @glenshane discussed this a while back. Having never lied on the internet you can take our word as gospel.


Youā€™re not internetting to your potential unless you throw in a few whoppers every now and then to keep people honest.

The Mike Hunt alias is for the serious bidness. My other log ins do nothing but tell porkies.

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Please state your profession. Everyone knows @backinatracksuit is a teacher.

Real front line workers forced into debt so they could assuage the fears of Zoom academics and Joe Duffy listeners. Thatā€™s the legacy of ISAG and ZC.

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