Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


Catherine Murphy was originally Workers Party so Stalinism wouldn’t be far from her heart.


Go on, give us a laugh. What did Sweden achieve that was so exceptional?

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Could make a great Christmas present :grinning:

It is incredible how much Big Bird has gotten under the skin of the loons. :grinning:

Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Bird. A trifecta of evil


A few weeks to flatten the curve they said.

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Emergency legislation forever?

I would assume so pal.

It certainly seems to be open ended. Unfortunately a significant number of people support such measures it seems.

Lockdown from Jan 3rd to 1st March will be great.


In fairness we predicted this from week three of two weeks to flatten the curve.
It mightn’t be that bad though. If big pharma only get 99% of us on a subscription plan they might just cut their losses and leave loosen their grip a little


This is where miggley d needs to step in and protect the interests of the irish people.

Peter Casey wouldn’t have put up with it

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Just in time for the Jan 31st once off bank holiday for frontline workers

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It would be some kick in the hole for all the lads who have torn the skin off their hands from washing them so much.

The booster jab(s) will make all the difference. :grinning:


He’s not wrong

Look at the snivelling rats on here. Scared of their life under the bed for over a year. Now they’ve the jabs in, they’re still scared.


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Climate lockdowns…not as far fetched as we think.

What is clear at least is the vast majority will go along with it.

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