Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

We don’t need a vaccine anymore. We’ve already had it and beaten it. Pints for everyone

Large doses of Vitamin C are being used in US to treat Covid 19 patients

1500mg every few hours.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Are they looking to shit the virus out? You might get rid of the virus, but you’ll also shit out a lung

I’m just the ideas guy.

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I owe my life to you for telling me about ester c


Surely a vaccine, even how premature in the testing stage could be thrown at the vulnerable and elderly who are already in grave danger. It could potentially save their lives

It might make them infertile


Throwing an unproven vaccine at them wouldn’t make any difference. You’d have to inject it into them.

Injected with a poison, we dont need that any more …

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Time to update this thread.

Hydroxychloroquine now just not being used by New York doctors to treat patients, but also taking it themselves because they know they are going to get infected. I’ll take the actions of a doctor as far as what drugs he is willing to put into his own body over the views of an Internet loon called after a failed footballer.

I understand there isn’t another person on here who has a breeze about medicine, chemistry, pharmacology, and a host of other related subjects, but really you have to trust me on how this works. It doesn’t save old people who have pneumonia and headed for ventilators, whether from the flu or COVID-19. It slows down the overactive immune response in younger people to SARS-2 and stops them drowning to death.

But listen to Sid, rather than doctors in New York who are self medicating to try and stay alive while they try and keep other people alive.


So how do we source this in a) quantities to help ourselves, our families and fellow TFKers and b) industrial quantities to make many many many’s a silk purse from this pig’s ear of a situation?

It’s in short supply right now, but manufacturing should ramp up shortly.
It’s an easy drug to make.

I’ve a lot of dead time on my hands in coming weeks, hit me with the secret sauce

I would end up jailed after half of FTK are dead.

It leads to outrageous weight gain. Would you rather die pretty or live obese?

Can we pick which half, might make sentence more appealing?

Would you rather die pretty or live obese?

As a man nearing his forties, you make it sound like there’s a choice between the two

@labane1917 must be running a serious risk of dying from constipation from all the quinoa he’s eating.

It’d be great to have our very own Darwin Awards contender.