You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Omicron part 1 and 2 were the greatest natural vaccines we could have ever hoped to get.

Its great that covid is now akin to the common cold etc. Iā€™m just surprised weā€™re still counting cases.

Natural immunity is something. I did tell you this before too.

Very simplistic going off a Guardian article.

Seeing as you editedā€¦.

Barking up the Covid tree is pointless. It exists.

Now, by all means you can bark about following,
ā€¢ government agencies reaction to its arrival
ā€¢ the absolute reluctance to use Antigen testing from early on

Saying all of the above, lives were saved during the 1st lockdown without doubt.

ā€¢ whole other deep dirty kettle of fish


Come here. You sneered at me about natural immunity.

You were wrong kid.

I did not.

I sneered at you calling Covid a cod.

No. Id be unflappable with regard to that sort of thing to be honest.

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Apologies it was another Tipp man.

We should not forget.

Thereā€™s a lot of questions to be answered on the nursing home front back in March-May 2020.

You went off on one tonight and got called up on it. Then asked @Cheasty would he be brave face to face.

Do the right thing and apologise :+1:


Locking down the entire country for a virus like Covid was a cod.

It was the wrong decision.


Let it go, mate.

Try going after the vaccines perhaps?

You hold two directly contradictory opinions.

The one in your last post is demonstrably a cod.

You cannot be taken remotely seriously.

Neither can you to be fair.

I wouldnā€™t be too worried about what you think of me.


Tomas Ryan is back and this time heā€™s riddled with Covid!

Thomas Ryan, the main reason I stopped listening to The Stand.


Has Ryan not tapped all the funding sources he needs at this point in his grift?

You would have thought. But there is no end to the funding that his ego requires.
