Directions From Dublin Airport

I heard carnage in short term car parks too.

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Back in tonight for the first time since my trip away. If I haven’t quit the forum again by then I’ll report back.


Hellish, you’d hardly get that in a third world country

Wouldn’t see it at Shannon, that’s for sure

Manchester airport is the absolute pits tbh. A dreadful soulless hole full of fake Gucci , fat lips, bellies, arms and tattoos.

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haha, yep. Very higgildy piggildy as well, walk from terminal to terminal. The only good thing about it is you can get a train out of it handy enough to anywhere you want. Booked a train last week from Manc to Liverpool, 8 pounds one way and no messing about with buses, traffic or taxis. It’s been a while since I’ve been in Manchester airport and forgot how dull it is. Security queues are also supposed to be bad there, but I got lucky last week on the way back.


That’s awful thirsty

People living their best lives. Fair play to them hopefully the sports teams i support get a chance like that

Like a third world airport


Hardly their best lives if it’s vicariously through someone else’s sporting achievements… a hobby at best …

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Imagine the excitement you’d feel if Celtic ever played a game that mattered

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I see the problem here …You equate Excitement to living your best life… great to enjoy a match or occasion but agin it’s hardly living your best life

Easy there Abraham Maslow. It was just a jab.

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Came in through Dublin airport very early this morning. Our flight was late taking off as it was late in landing at the other end. I was told it was chaos through Dublin airport going out yesterday at times. 1 hour 20 mins to queue to get to security check.

Any way once we landed there was no free gate to leave us embark so we were stuck on the plane for 20 mins until they found one at T2.

Made our way to luggage reclaim in T1 and it was like a zombie apocalypse. Unclaimed luggage everywhere. Disconsolate people crowded around the carousels and people asleep on the floor. This was well gone 2am. At the carousel we were at more bags stacked up in the middle of the floor.

Got outside and I’d say a good couple of hundred people waiting for taxis and 1 or 2 around is all.
Thankfully we were getting collected so we avoided all that.


Jesus Christ. Horrific

Edgy :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Total carnage there this morning. What a shambles

Last night was incredible. I sent one of the lads down with a group of Ukrainians and there were a few elderly women in it so I told him wait with them to help their bags. He rang me 1hr and 10 mins later to tell me he was still there and the bags hadn’t come through. It’s beyond a shambles at the moment and they’re expecting it to stay like this for some time. Avoid the place if at all possible


Why has this happened all of a sudden ?