Post Ewan McKenna

Inly barm to any chance of getting a decent job back here but he shoots from the hip and gets the odd head shot

We will have a left wing government before 2 years . He will get a press man job there .

The bantz will be epic

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Imagine if he did a cowen style interview. Box office

Who? Never heard of him

That’s what hurts him most of all, that 95% of the population haven’t a clue who the daft cunt is.


Well fuck me, thats the Cork man calling someone else a cocky arsehole.


Plenty haven’t but some fellas are clane obsessed with him.

Same lads would use twitter as their ‘source’ for a lot of news and pass it off as being in the know

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Who’s this Ewan McKenna fellow?

Well Ewan will never get a job in main stream media again so how will he make a living?

A journo that a lot of lads are clane obsessed with. He’s a heavy twitter presence

Your memory isn’t great Dan.


Ewan is a gentleman. He is a class act. He is a rebel who stands up to bullies.



A nawful thread for the two lads

It’s not when it comes to no marks on Twitter. Lads get far too worked up about this tweeting business.


Correct me if you wish, but is being a thing on Twitter actually taken seriously?

It is to some journos alright… And a few lads on here would hang off every word. But not to any normal folk

Serious enough that public policy is based on certain lickarse opinions on it.


Dan’s had a shocking pandemic, hasn’t been the same since @Rocko obliterated him early doors.