Election Betting

I tried Boyles there to back FF/FF/Greens at 2/1

I got knocked back to 50 at 2/1 and the rest @ 11/8 :sweat:

I asked PP privately for odds on FF/FG/SF and they said they weren’t offering it.

Make of that what you will tank .

I think most likely their entire card on the next Government is a mess and they’re giving up on it.

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Got this at 5/2. He is now 1/7…come on

I’ve had a whack off Ff/SfIRA/Glas and Ff/SfIRA/SD at 10s and 20s respectively

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If I was a betting man I’d put money on FFIRA/FGNAZI/RoooooralIND

Not enough numbers I don’t think.

They are bang on 81 as it stands & the Rural group are adding members, TFK favourite ROD joined them in the last few days. So they are technically there already, though they’d probably want a bit more of a cushion than that (especially dealing with Independents), and they are in talks with a few more to be added. If there was a sniff of power they might get a few more roped in with promises of Sports pitches, motorways and hospitals for everyone.

It’s also likely the Ceann Comhairle will be appointed outside of Government parties, so 80 is the magic number.

I was waiting for his reply so i could say i thought FGnazi was just the wexford lady Verona Murphy…
But you had to stick your oar in…

Good one mate


He’ll be a minister before this is out. You’re some campaign manager

I’m a great young lad :raising_hand_man:t2:

We’ll never know.

Something low key like Finance Minister will be acceptable to us initially.

I think Denis Naughten for Ceann Comhairle is a snip at 11/8. The incumbent O’Fearaíghle FF is a miserly 8/15. The old firm can muster 73 between them so you’d imagine those howling for change could unite behind Naughten.
That said the slippery fucker is spawned from the FG pond. How will they vote???

Naughten at the price for me.

That O’Fearghail must be lazy out if he’s going for a second spin on the Ceann Comhairle gravy train…

I think the story is that SF will vote for O’Fearghail to even up the voting deputy number between them and FF.

from his letter seeking nomination

I am writing to inform you that I have submitted my nomination to seek the role of Ceann Comhairle of the 33rd Dáil.

The reason I am putting my name forward for the role of Ceann Comhairle is because one of the consistent messages I received on the doorsteps during the recent General Election was the public frustration with accountability .

In an open, questioning culture, we need an effective and questioning parliament .

Getting straight answers to straight questions is becoming more difficult in Dáil Éireann. This is reflected by that public frustration.

this from the lad who was having dinners with the broadband guys and failed on numerous occasions to say how many or what was discussed, why they happened and why there were no civil servants there.

if he gets the gig then it’ll add another 10 seats to the shinners next time out

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