Feeling a bit sick

Iā€™m surprised at you.
Has Putin thought you nothingā€¦


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Iā€™ll have to teach about that one

Iā€™ve been sceptical enough of the flu jab. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I donā€™t bother.

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Iā€™ve been coughing and spluttering with a runny nose and generally feeling crap all week. Strange thing is it seems to go away for a few hours and I feel much better but end up back at square one a while later. :roll_eyes:

Youā€™re all fucked ye soft cunts


Iā€™ve never had the jab or the flu but Iā€™m sure itā€™s fine (actually I might have had the flu once)
I wouldnā€™t be bothered with Covid,

Good question though, still has to gain traction but itā€™s coming :grinning:

Did teachers not have to get the Covid jab?

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A vaccine for an aul cold. A bit of a runny nose or something. Its some job they did convincing people otherwise a couple of years ago.

You are going to kill your grandmother etc etc if you donā€™t roll up the sleeve. Weā€™ll cut you out of society if you donā€™t toe the line. Youā€™re the equivalent of a murderer.

Youā€™d nearly forget how fucking thick and stupid the vast majority of people are.


Yes, I had 2, seemed the right thing to do at the time what with fears about the elderly etc, no regrets

Didnā€™t realise at the time how angry it would make some people :grinning:


Did the Ukrainian refugees who you looked after and who sought shelther from war get annoyed with you about the flu jabs?

But youā€™re not elderly?

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Is this the only thing you have to say to me? How many times is that? :grinning:

Iā€™d say Iā€™m about two replies away from you threatening to beat the shit out of me in a public park again

You freak


Its no harm to every so often sneer at a pretend saint like yourself. Iā€™m not the one contradicting myself at least.

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OK guys,
Maybe Iā€™m not great at writing

I felt it was clear that the first line was in reference to the flu vaccine :man_shrugging:

Bullying isnā€™t nice guys, lay off

Iā€™ve had three or four covid ones. Iā€™ve no strong feelings on the matter, just wondered whether I should or shouldnā€™t bother this time with this and flu.

Just discovered Iā€™ve got the COVID. Bastards.

Had it last week for 3 days.The feickin headaches and earaches would keep you up all night.
No chest issues bizarrely.

Second a good idea, the first one no real benefit

I got both. Canā€™t see much downside to getting flu jab. Iā€™d be fairly agnostic about Covid one if youā€™ve had a few already. Might save you taking a week off work.

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