Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Guys, Iā€™ve fact checked that last post, and Iā€™d take it with a health warning.

One of the biggest split season supporters is constantly whinging about the physicality of hurling now and how boring it has become.

Thatā€™s solely down to the new season too.

International football is so fun because teams have less prep time. It was the same with inter county gaa but it had to be ruined for whatever reason.

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I think we also have a great example of ā€˜a little learning is a dangerous thingā€™ here.

This is what happens when you give people the INTERNET and let them loose.

In other news water is wet.

Classic :joy:

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Pity you canā€™t see the likes publicly on tweets anymore. I used to love seeing the same names popping up every time liking his posts

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The split seasons zealots will be along presently to justify this, no doubt.

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Play the feile in December

Its not. The pitches are horrendous until May because its just coming out of winter and any rain at all fucks the pitch. In September the pitches are generally fine even if thereā€™s a lot of rain because the ground was hard over the summer


Townie cunts wouldnt get this

We really are back to basics when even this has to be explained.


Itā€™s complete rubbish. How many championship games were cancelled in may over the years because of the weather?

Thereā€™s an awful lot of guilt around the split season crews. Theyā€™ve destroyed the inter county season and the club seasons. Nobody goes the games anymore, nobody watching and playing numbers plummeting.

Itā€™s the same group of cowards that have to ruin everything and when it starts to go wrong they canā€™t just admit they were wrong because itā€™s too difficult for them to take any responsibility.

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Spot on. The split season is to the GGA what Brexit is to England. Both entities absolutely ruined & the same pig ignorant dinosaurs who were complicit refusing to accept their traitorous behaviour.


I see Donegal were forced to play Again this weekend. Will the gaa run out of counties before they let Donegal in to the all Ireland series?

Itā€™s a little like the time commodus stabbed maximus before they fought.

I really really hope Donegal win the all Ireland this year and McGuiness gives it to the gaa both barrels.

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Imagine playing an out doors sport in Ireland and complaining about the weather. Amazing how the junior soccer and rugby leagues are booming with proper seasons and then even miraculously manage to play from August until may.

No championship hurling today for the second Sunday in three. Provincial finals squeezed into the same weekend in between. Another pack of diddy football matches on. Itā€™s absolutely mind-boggling whatā€™s gone on.

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It feels like we havenā€™t even had a hurling championship yet. The one good game in Munster was placed on sportflix and the majority of people didnā€™t get to watch.

Any dual players getting shafted for the 14 week club championship thatā€™ll be run off in late August. Particularly tough on the dual clubs in Limerick when you are trying to break up the doon, killmallock, pwell and nap stranglehold. who have very lads playing both.