Gardai acting quite aggressively

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She makes some valid points tbf.

Again. Every incident is different… The cops should have done better but I don’t think skin colour has anything to do with the outcome.

Earlier on in the thread you were saying you could make out fuck all from the video now you’re able to determine the distance between the deceased and one of the cops.

You’re not a tactical expert yet you keep on making judgments about the distance the cops were standing away or the number of shots or duration of the pause between the last and 2nd last shot (that judgement became particularly obsessive).


Fuck off Fran



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Fellas need to move on from this. Let the family grieve in peace and let the guards sort out whatever, if anything, needs sorting out. Everyone else needs to stfu

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Use whatever force necessary

It would be fantastic if the family would grieve in peace, instead of engaging in incitement to murder.


Where are all the posters logging their apologies for calling George a criminal? ( pre his life ending actions )

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lies are being circulated about the man who died claiming he was a criminal when he was not

He attacked a Eurospar manager and threatened gardaĂ­ with a knife. Both of those acts are crimes and someone who commits a crime is a criminal, ergo he was a criminal.

Bollocks as you well know, he was not convicted criminal.

Did you get all your previous info from your friends in Oughterard?

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Two well-placed security sources told this newspaper they believe An Garda Síochána “acted appropriately” in the incident


Let me link you back to here:


You screamed and roared and cursed and called names, and you’re still at it days later.

Grow up.