Great TFK Vindications

Decent :ok_hand::ok_hand::+1:

Just have to hope they have enough iPhones for the filming

Will these games be Beo like RugbaĂ­ Beo I wonder?

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They should probably call it RugbaĂ­ Anois.
Beo means alive or healthy, that doesn’t suit rugby at all.

Rugbai CoischĂŠim

As Horsey has pointed out I ridiculed him and the lads that said the Eu digital pass was going to used for access to everyday life, like they do in fucked up countries like Israel. I pointed out that there was no way that that was what the EU intended and I think I said that anyone who said different was a conspiracy theorist. The EU was only introducing a harmonised evidence regime to facilitate travel that would make life easier.

I forgot of course that ireland is now a banana republic that prides itself on being the odd one out in the EU 27. Our exceptionalism also extends to our tinpot republic tax position, where us and the likes of Barbados are holding out against 130 odd countries of the oecd in order, I suppose, to further demonstrate how difficult and odd we are. I forgot that ireland is no longer the mature sensible and measured democracy I thought we were. Silly me.

Of course the land of the Archbishop goes even further than the EU cert to allow travel and will not under any circumstances allow anyone that has tested negative for covid in the door of a pub. It’s for their own good I suppose. The Archbishop has decreed that ireland must follow the Latvia and Lithuania model.

Anyway, @Horsebox, @The_Most_Infamous, @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr and anyone of the other conspiracy theorists I forgot to tag, ye have been wonderfully vindicated.


fair play glas. it takes a man to admit he was wrong, doubly so on TFK.

that said, im amazed you didnt see this coming, but ill be even more surprised if the courts dont overturn it when it comes in.

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A very magnanimous post, others here could learn from it.

Rebrand needed


I have a saying.

If you are a cynic, you’ll be right more often than you are wrong.

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Nor surpise its a civil servant thats fucking us.


If I’m ever wrong on the I internet I’ll definitely apologise…to myself more than anyone. I owe myself that much


Modesty wouldn’t be your strongest trait

banagusglas could be a runner.

It’s up against a lot of strong contenders there mike

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@Thomas_Brady take a bow son


Any sign of @flattythehurdler ? @carryharry ? @anon76546466 @ironmoth ?


It was great to see that episode cleared up early by @Thomas_Brady. Limerick were able to park it and move on. No distractions, unity of purpose.


Casey got off by having his helmet pulled?