Have you ever soiled yourself as an adult?

You mug :rollseyes:

Presumption of solid exchange?

Those caffeine gels are a curse.

Iā€™ll begin by saying I didnā€™t soil myself but it was the closest one could come.

Iā€™m currently taking antibiotics for a gut bacteria thingyā€¦ Itā€™s a three antibiotic approach and can be tough on the stomach.
So I was away holidaying in Clonakilty this week and Iā€™m very partial to a bowl of prunes and natural yogurt from a hotel buffet when the occasion presents itselfā€¦ I had a decent sized bowl and followed with an omelet and coffee. Off out to Clon early and took my tablets before heading off. Arrived in Clon and bought another coffee but was less than half way through and I started to feel some cramps - a mental thought of ā€˜that will be the prunesā€™ā€¦but the cramps kept coming and started to get worse with each wave. I was half way up the town and I was in agony, like a claw hammer being raked against my intestines ā€¦ I was stood outside a chemist as a wave hit me and as it passed I wobbled in asking the chemist if the prunes were a bad decision and told him of my symptoms and he said ā€˜oh god yeah they would be extremely tough on the stomach with the medicationā€™ā€¦ā€˜okā€™ says I ā€˜Iā€™ll hold tough and itā€™ll pass shurā€™ ā€“ ā€˜it willā€™ says heā€¦ ā€˜keep it plain for the dayā€™.
I had barely set two feet out side the door and a cramp rose up that nearly killed meā€¦ the pain and pressure of it was unreal. I barely made it to a closed shop front and let rip a clap of thunder praying but also not caring if I followed throughā€¦ I didnā€™t but the pain and pressure was still there and I was almost bent over from it but fight or flight took overā€¦ I headed to an alleyway across the way fully willing to drop my pants if I had to but it turned out to be a forecourt for a pub and with all my power, barely holding back the onslaught, I waddled into the pub and straight to the disabled jacks and let a warm, pungent ( which quickly became vile) explosion fly loose.

I was right as rain after it but I never in my life felt anything like the cramps and that final bit of pressure I experienced in the main street of Clonakilty.

I avoided the prunes this morning.


So you have a stomach issue
You took three antiobiotics
And you threw prunes (natureā€™s greatest laxative) and some natural yoghurt (also a good laxative) and two cups of coffee (also a very well noted laxative) in on top of it.

That wasnā€™t very clever


He saw the opportunity for a memorable tfk post from a long way out and commited to it.


Youā€™d have to respect it.

Like something youā€™d see on jackass


That chemist can now tell people heā€™s seen it all

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And he one of the ring leaders of the Gut Health Thread


Physician heal thyself

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Stomach has never had issues with prunes, deep fried and fatty foods only- ā€¦ It was solely the meds. A lapse on my behalf yes.

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Iā€™ve a few spare colostomy bags left over. Iā€™ll stick em in the post next week


A great story well told.

I was about a month out of hospital for a bowel infection and doing a major course of gut antibiotics the time I shat my pants in Phoenix Park. Anything can happen to your ass with those drugs but once the volcano erupts it will go dormant again very quickly.

Whatā€™s the name of the antibiotics youā€™re doing?

Werenā€™t you the one always raving about gut health?

Whatā€™s that got to do with anything? You steamerā€¦

clarithromycin, amoxicillin, nexium.

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Anti gay medicine

Iā€™ll bow down to your expertise on the topic.

Bullet points