The Gut Health Thread

The Germans swear by the sparkling water. It’s a great society in a way. They are boring bastards in another way. But give me quiet weekends, windows always cracked open, and no speed limits any day

Bought that by accident once and put it on the cereal. I should have spotted the thicker texture upon pouring, but I was probably too tired. It was the same colour carton as the full fat milk, but with a few Russian onion domes, that I disregarded as seasonal decoration or some other shit. I eventually grew to like it’s tanginess.

I’ve had on and off issues over the last 18 months. It started when I woke up the night before a run with esteemed poster @Mac where I felt I was going to puke all over the shop and then manifested itself in a few bouts of constant nausea. The doctor felt it may have been stress-related but did the H Pylori test. Came back negative. I’ve had a few more issues since and the last month was pretty bad, truth be told. Went back to him. He felt that we should treat it as the H Pylori didn’t catch it as he felt I’d all the symptoms of it. He was especially surprised by what was going on with me as I don’t really drink caffeine. He prescribed the triple therapy antibiotic approach (I kept calling it triple threat until someone corrected me). Went into the chemist and she told me no drinking with the Flagyl one as it could end up in hospitalisation. I told her I was off to Liverpool for a match and she told me to hold off a week to start the course as “sure who is going to head over to match without having a few pints”. My kind of health professional.

Started the course last Monday. It’s been rough enough of the stomach. One more week to go. I’ve been told that it’s normal enough to feel crap during it, but the chemist herself said she went through it before and said all gut problems will be gone afterwards. Have gone from constipation to the biggest shites of my life (cc @cowpat ) and back again.

Doctor feels this will sort it out. If not, he said we will go with a scope


H Pylori has ruined my life.

That Flagyl stuff is harsh out. Go easy

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All the gut medication talk minded me of a time i nearly died


@Mac has that effect on some fellas


I got onto the M50 yesterday and was praying there’d be no hold ups so I could make it to the Applegreen (awful bogs there) in time.

Meeting your heroes can bring all sorts of nausea


@caulifloweredneanderthal making it all about @Mac again…


A good shit always sorts things out.

Don’t know if I ever followed this up…it was H pylori…never again a problem once I got the lazropole…just get the lazropole into ye lads

[quote=“gilgamboa, post:702, topic:25515, full:true”]

I had that, nearly killed me when the ulcer burst through internal bleeding, had been going on for 3 days, I thought it was the scutters, was 3 full months before I was right

I think you have the hots for that pharmacist.

I had to do 3 rounds of the triple therapy and have been on all the follow up medication… I’ll always have episodes here and there. It’s common for a lot of people to still have flare ups… You’re one of the lucky ones.

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Seems like it

You make your own luck you soft cunt.


I don’t take anything now… But the likes of Christmas or all Ireland celebrations :smiley:… Can set me off. I can generally do as i like but it’s when you have a few days on the trot eating shite that triggers it… That or an extremely rich desert so i just avoid. It’s generally just a few hours now tho and it passes as opposed to days when the h pylori was ruling the roost

I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

I’d be crippled with it.

I’d be grand for 6 or 8 weeks but then twud flare up.

Have been ok since my post above and haven’t made any changes to lifestyle :man_shrugging: