I have lost interest in

The all hurling Ireland semi final weekend is now the GGAs Mardi Gras or Woodstock we were told . @mickee321 @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Posting on here. I don’t know why but I’ve become incredibly bored with life in general. It’s all a bit pointless.

Sorry to hear that mate. Either a) this place isnt the actual problem, it’s just a symptom of how you feel in general, or b) this place is the actual problem. In both cases I’d advise taking a break. It can only help. We’ll still be here if you decide to come back.

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If you’re bored with life in general TFK isn’t the issue.

There’s fuck all happening right now. No hurling, no proper soccer, no holidays. It’s not easy.

Get as much fresh air as you can. Try to meet friends even if you don’t feel like it. Get exercise.


Give yourself a goal for the next few weeks mate. A 5k, a project at home or whatever and work towards it. It’s been a weird time, but hopefully it’s near the end.
Keep the head up


From personal experience I can tell you that this forum is not a good sanctuary if you’re not in a good place in your real life

Talk to your real friends, get out into nature

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Hurling is back mate. Matches full steam ahead. I was actually at one last night.

There was a lovely bit of cut to that game. The lads were flying on top of the ground.

Both teams have a bit of improving to do mate. Wasn’t a bad game for first day out.

Ah yeah, the striking wasn’t fully there yet, but the touch wasnt half bad and the enthusiasm was through the roof. The number 10 ye had looks a fine prospect, is he who I thinks young fella?

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Who’s young fella?

The butcher :wink:

Different game to me mate :grin:

What game was that? Cork haven’t sorted any club fixtures yet, what are they at?

I found this place a great sanctuary in very difficult times. I suppose it’s different strokes


I suppose it depends on whether you are a confident guy or not.

Are lads still following him around on twitter I wonder

I’m sure one of the 4 lads who operate the @BruidheanChaorthainn account will stick around.


Challenge games have started back now

Full contact across the country from last night. The A&E’s were heaving.