Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

It’s seem very odd given all the abuse hurled at me over the past few days that you give one jot about my opinion of you.

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Who has hurled abuse at you? I don’t read all the threads,
You don’t get to insinuate that somebody is a paedophile, the mods don’t seem to care but I do
You have no reason to say that, I’m not going to forget it. I never abused you or made accusations even approaching that, I once used the very old and well known saying about gambling the farm which you strangely took to be literal

You accused me of losing of my dads money, you called me a waster and a liar among other things.

A teacher would never do this.

So I firmly believe you aren’t a teacher.

You started up about me having no friends a month ago for no reason When I posted about being a bit down.

You can moan all you like. Yourself and mac started up the other night. You had another go again Monday or Tuesday and then when I decide to shoot back you can’t handle it.

I’ve done everything I can to ignore you and I’ll try even harder now.

You are the definition of one armed waiter.

I won’t be replying again for the good of the forum.


:grimacing: when you posted about being down I tried to give you heartfelt advice, I never said anything about you having no friends, what a bizarre comment 🤷🏻
Go back and look.
I don’t even know what this stuff about me and @Mac even refers to, would you not post up some evidence,

So in summary you’ve repeatedly accused me of being a Paedophile because you haven’t bothered to read my posts

It’s actually incredible how you take things up, amazing

Burying this clearly suits you but you’ll continue to do this when it suits so I’d like it wrapped up

I found the offending post where i said you had no friends.



Your a condensing little wanker now please move on.

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What’s the new accusation now that the last one was rubbished?
I thought that i was very decent in that exchange, incredible to think that it led to me being repeatedly labelled a paedophile a couple of weeks later.

As i said already, i have no ill will towards you, but I’m not prepared to let you off with this unchallenged just so you can continue whenever you want.

As far as i can see, every single grievance you have seems to be in your imagination, you cannot produce evidence and when you do it’s completely irrelevant, have you got anything back from the poster who has knowledge of PMs between me and @Mac and @Thomas_Brady?

I have zero interesting in continuing. I’ve largely ignored you for months now.

You started up again a few times as I’ve pointed out.

I don’t for one minute believe you are school teacher.

I don’t trust the mouse trap or mac.

You can rally all the support you want I don’t care.

I’ve moved on.

You’re a born liar — your lies are lies.

I have to call bullshit again, I didn’t ‘start it up’
I called you a clown for having a ridiculous argument again where you spent the day and hundreds of posts trying to convince anybody that Liverpool are shit compared to united

You responded by making up an awful lot of lies about me and repeatedly saying that i was a paedophile

Everyone’s lies are lies, no?

Well done pal. You’ve grasped it .

Thanks m8


So what’s the lesson here? Don’t interact with me. I do everything I can to ignore you.

I think you are horrible person being honest.

It’s fairly obvious you consider yourself to be superior to everyone else and day in day out you drop these condescending quips about how great you are.

I don’t for one minute believe you are a school teacher. As no teacher carries on like this.

You can cry all you want. You’ve admitted you started it. You tried to start it again Saturday with mac on my betting thread and on numerous other occasions.

You consider me to be a waster, a liar and whatever else - so really my opinion of you shouldn’t bother you at all if this is the case.

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No teachers are condescending? Eeeerm?

Day 3 in the Big Brother House…

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Is Whelan’s open?

Yes!!! Loads of cameras and reporters in the town this morning

Of course