Ibrahim Halawa

@anon7035031 is silent on this.

“States’ rights” and all that.

I think poor @Enrique was the 11 year old in Tennessee. His bride was his mother.


The youngest children to marry were three 10-year-old girls in Tennessee in 2001, who were married to men ages 24, 25 and 31, according to state data. The youngest groom was an 11-year-old boy, also in Tennessee, who married a 27-year-old woman in 2006.

Children as young as 12 were granted marriage licenses in Alaska, Louisiana, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Thirteen-year-olds were given the green light to marry in Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Washington.

Should be deported straight away, disgusting cunt.

Its gone too far when fellas think they can propose that here without any fear. Extremists like that shouldnt be given airtime in this country.

The moral issues surrounding abortion up to viability and FGM are quite different, but understandable that thick fuckers muddle them. It’s a bit like @Sidney referring to everyone who disagrees with him as a Nazi.

Disgusting behavior that should be outlawed.

What’s your opinion on an academic at an Irish teaching establishment supporting FGM? A subject that actually impacts children living in Ireland, rather than Tennessee.

Still rattled mate? That’s ok, you’ve a weekend on your own, browsing the internet, to look forward to. That will set you right.

See if you find any logic to your baseless suppositions during this r&r.

The only people I refer to as Nazis are people who are actual Nazis or voice overt or thinly veiled support for Nazis, like yourself.

What’s your excuse? :smile:

I won’t go into all the other times you’ve called people fascists and communists, as it’d take all night.

Still fantasising about my father’s excrement, mate?

You’re not Jon Venables, by any chance, are you?

Don’t justify killing a human life to me. Save that for your lefty buddies. Nice try trying to compare me to Sidney. Will I just mention you in sentences with #babykillersupporter.?

What’s your opinion of an academic teaching at an Irish establishment supporting FGM?

You’re a coward, ranting against everything Trump but can’t criticize this Muslim nutcase advocating mutilating children.

I’m a lefty now? After spending my career on here bashing lefties.
This place is gas.

Fantasising about an old man’s excrement is a definition of a very extreme weirdo.

That’s what you are, a very extreme weirdo who likely looks like this.

And your attempted barbs are absolutely shit.

Sad, isn’t it?

My attempted barb has driven to you post up a pic of some loner in Eng that was used to describe Tassoti a couple of weeks ago. I’ll leave you be, mate. Enjoy your Friday.

You were on here like a shot frothing at the mouth because you couldn’t take a gentle barb, mate, which obviously touched a very raw nerve with you.

You thought I was serious when I said you were an 11 year old who married your mother, didn’t you? :laughing:

It seems I touched a very raw nerve with you! :grin:

You did pal, you have me there. No more barbs from moi on personal circumstances, it’s unseemly.

Calm down with the barbs lads for a second.

In this case I dont think anyone here is in disagreement. That extremist proposing FGM in Ireland should be on the next plane out.

What went wrong in your life, mate? Why the terrible anger? Is there anything you want to pour your heart out about? You’re amongst friends here.

I think your confused.

Skull? What Skull?

I don’t want to post a video of an abortion. Nor do you want to view it. So we’ll say no more.

I’m very, very content mate. I disagree with your viewpoint on practically everything and think you’re a monumental cunt but, again, mentioning someones circumstances as a dig when I have no idea of the nature of those is a little much. So apologies.