Joe Duffy's Liveline

Do your own research.

Anything at all will set you off these days, even a reasonable enough question for someone who had listened to it. Settle down.

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Mam of a trans teen was on.

Second time they’ve thrown the toys out of the pram ? Surprising for such a balanced and coherent group to make a rash decision ensuring the message they want to communicate won’t now be communicated by the national broadcaster

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I havent listened or done my own research but am i right in saying joe said you cant say that and the producer cut the caller off. Joe apologies and cuts to break. Am i correct in saying that? What can Joe and RTE do other than that they cant control what callers say on live radio after they get through screening

Youre the one constantly following me around in threads.


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Hmm all you want, you were following me around on other threads.i reply to you in your prissy little manner once and you go to rattled stage 5

You’re a real oddball sometimes.



I think the trigger of it was on Monday. There was a lad on who said his daughter was a lesbian. He said the daughter was afraid to go to the swimming pool in case some lad with a 12 inch langer declared himself a trans and insisted on using the womens dressing rooms.
Im paraphrasing here of course but that was the gist of it

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You can’t bate a grandstanding politician who thinks they are some class of cigire of moral outrage

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Leo was on the Pat Kenny show(minus Pat) today grandstanding about all the things he’d like to do… a fucking cunt… he’s had more chance than anyone over the last 10 years to make a mark on society and all he’ll be remembered for is funny socks and putting film quotes in the speeches…



Im afraid the saying “If my aunt had balls” wont carry the same effect going forward

We need a Joe Duffy and Joe Rogan collab.

He has to go

I see rte have been hauled in by the oireachtas committee.
So essentially a bunch of wokes are standing in sympathy with a bunch of snowflakes because they feel offended by a bunch of entitled overpaid wankers.
The country is fucked.


All the World’s a stage

Mike, thats a wonderful summation :clap:

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