Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

You are a gobshite also

You have no right to discuss it/him so.

He is a clinical psychologist with 25 years experience who does not row with the rest of the sheep and calls it as he sees it

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I have a right to discuss anything I like.

It just makes you look like a myopic doddery old fool

I’m ok with that.

You have a problem with women.

@Fagan_ODowd is a feminist.

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Feminism is bizarre.

Nearly as bullshit as Humanism

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Cat got your tongue Rob?

No, I answered this already, mate.

I am and I’m proud of it. I grew up in a house full of women and I got off with a woman once.


I suppose the odds were quite favourable


Mistakes all women as somehow being equivalent and having same challenges - like the Duchess of Surrey and a homeless single mother. Both women and both oppressed by society. Categorizing people by sex is sexist.

You have to get down to level of the individual to progress.

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Dig up Kev!


I am pretty sure you are someone who will be able to find a level with most people.

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Jordan Peterson is a gobshite. He’s effectively a pub bore gone viral.

But I’ll say this for him - he’s a hell of a businessman to have such an army of gullible eejits hanging on and repeating his every word.


Perhaps he makes vacuous pc snowflakes more aware of their empty headed valuelessness than they are comfortable with.
Most of the mainstream criticism of him usually consists of a few glib cheap shots or smart alec comments, it rarely challenges his views or engages with what he actually says.
The first thing thrown up by YouTube is usually the most sensational or superficial coverage. That tends to be what supporters and detractors latch on to.


No, he appeals exclusively to vacuous, valueless morons like you.

If I’m all that why don’t you try forming your own sentences?


I used a rhetorical device to ridicule your vacuousness, mate.

You weren’t aware of that, because you’re a vacuous, slow witted fool.

Tnh yet again. Ramp up the insults all you want, if they help you calm down etc.

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