Limerick GAA - We get knocked down 🐐

Was talking to a lad last week in Limerick from the Well and he says that there is a great buzz about the place and that Foley has as much influence on the players as Carey. How true that is, I can’t say but this lad knew his stuff and gave me no reason to doubt him. He was of the opinion that it wasn’t this year that they were going to initially target at the start of the year but next year that the club will be the one to watch out for. Having said that, they won ugly at the weekend and a team that can do that with ease are a team to watch out for. The first big test for them will be the next day out and if they can beat Kilmallock, they would be a great bet for the county.

I am also reliably informed that the big night in the Well when the U21 Captain, Diarmuid Byrnes, was to bring the Munster cup home to his club. Apparently the sponsor wanted the cup for his own ends (probably to show it to some horsey set cunts), and so the tradition of the Captain being feted by his own club with the trophy was forgotten about. Needless to say the craven County Board gave in to the wishes of the big house and so Diarmuid Byrnes had to be there without his cup. Can you imagine this happening in Kilkenny?

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They are putting up big scores as well. The kilmallock game will be interesting, the losers will probably end up playing Na Piarsaigh in the semis.

Disgraceful if true. But not surprising.

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That is all bullshit. Unless D Brynes brought a fake cup with him to the Cu Sunday night as I was in attendance!



Come on now, the horsey set are hardly going to be interested in a Munster u21 trophy. Anyway the sponsor has paid for the success and I don’t think anyone would begrudge him a bit of time with the cup.


Build us a Pitch PJ, pay off our debts please, give us money to pay for deveolpment squads & if we win something don’t go looking for the Silverware to show off you cunt, PJ.

You couldn’t write this stuff.

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This was not the reason. Rightfully, they are paranoid about drinking culture association given past experience. If that cup turned up in the Cu it would be all over facebook as you know. Lose that next match and the bitchin would start straight away. Do you really think that would happen in Kilkenny, the boys getting shitfaced with the cup?

Holy fuck that’s a clamping.


You never bought me a pint, you fucker. Rambler, you’re talking shit. There was no cup in the Cu. John Murphy will confirm this. Rebel red is mighty tack.

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Nothing to worry about @glasagusban . If the same spoofer told Batt about the Well buzzing, then either ourselves or yourselves will batter them.

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The Well are hopping that is true. They’ve an extremely young team so it will take time.


Will bring, didn’t bring. The team were there without the cup.

Fucking Sunday night:

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That’s some clamping tassotti has got in here tonight.

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That’s a lovely shot of Ennis. You gobdaw.

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That is a picture taken in front of the row of houses across from cusack park

It appears that not only was the cup not there, this ape wasnt at the celebrations in the well and may not have been in cusack park either

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Wrong photo it was the first one I seen on Facebook. It was the lads 21st on Sunday. Jp did not have the cup Sunday as I’m pretty sure it was his brothers wedding or ap McCoys party in the manor Sunday night. D Byrnes also is hardly carrying a duplicate cup around.