Liveline thread

“Joe my granny is 85 years of age…”

Joe: “It’s amazing your granny is younger that you”.


Who is this whiney little SF IRA bitch who is screeching about the Gardai/cab looking in his koi pond and seizing all his motors?

Civil war erupting in Galway United FC over Islamophobia.

There is a ‘member of the outraged community’ raving to Joe about some poor divil who had the courage to speak out about suicide bombers after the Brussels massacre.
He sounds like an utter utter little weasel faced cunt. Id live to kick his teeth down his throat and thats just from listening to his self righteous rodent tone voice.

I have several mutual Facebook friends with both protagonists here. It’s killing me to hear friends of friends at each others’ throats like this.

this is the little shit, a right little gurrier it seems who has been exposed as a rat who has built up quite a rep for pouncing on genuine lads who are brave enough to voice an honest opinion and trying to destroy their lives.

To the faces you’d love to smack thread


here he is again :smiley:, fucksake how can you deal with horrible pricks like this…

Twas fairley hot and heavy allright

An awful cunt.

“My campus”

I’d say he’s the type of chap whose cough would soon be softened if he had a serious criminal charge facing him.

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I blame that fucktard Duffy for giving him nearly a full hour to pillory to poor old fool. I loved the bit where he claimed loads of Bohs fans had come up to him during a match and complained about the comment :joy:

Didn’t hear it today - what was the gist of the conversation regarding Galway Utd and Islamophobia?

A former board member of Galway utd made a comment on his private Facebook in the aftermath of Brussels along the lines of ‘suicide bombers are a serious problem and I’d be nervous sitting beside a Muslim right now’.
The same lad has a lot of work done on suicide prevention and seems salt of the earth who is involved in various community bits and pieces mostly revolving round soccer.
Some toerag as per video above tagged his post and spent a bit of time trying to paint yer man a racist and destroy him. Duffy had the two of them on. One was a slightly naive salt of the earth sound as a pound lad who gives his time to various causes and organizations. The other a dangerous bastard, an utter creep of a student union type with a self righteous tone who has never done fuck all in his life bar object to everything.


Was it Batt The Lad?


They should have got Nick Leeson on to tell the PC liberal do gooder cunt to fuck off.

These screaming Mary’s are all for free speech as long as it doesn’t offend their own views, upon which they unleash a bullying campaign on those who dare to not tow the PC line - as appears to be the case above.


I love the way you describe things


I don’t know either protagonist, pal. I’m friends on Facebook with people who are friends with them on Facebook.

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You should have more respect for Joe Loughnane here, he’s been on campus for 10 years.


A student race day today and yesterday. He should be in great form for the next two days.