Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Not normal? Well prepared?

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Youā€™re a gent and I want to appeal to you to remain as general director of the race series. You remind me of Christian Prudhomme.

Thatā€™s it. Not normal.

The Belgian keeper in 1990? I remember my aul lad was sickened when Platt scored that goal coz he thought he looked a keeper that would do well in the shoot out.

TdeF main man

Many thanks @Bandage. Such praise will get you everywhere.

For those of you who have yet to vote:

When youve the likes of @TheUlteriorMotive reading Runners World, youā€™ve created a movement.

Any lad not in tune with his circadian rhythms may as well forget about it.

Iā€™d wager @Bandage is losing 10 seconds by running in the morning

As @Thomas_Brady said to me in a PM Iā€™ve never won silver but lost gold


@TheUlteriorMotive has posted more times about going for a run, and then not going, than the total number of runs done by everyone at this stage

Iā€™m like a Wexford hurling fan.

Iā€™m revelling in the pre match banter before I inevitably get a hiding.


He wouldnā€™t run a bath that fella

Thereā€™s a nasty edge creeping in to the comments now as lads feel the pressure.

Itā€™s the lads who can keep their poise under pressure whoā€™ll be able to look in the mirror on Monday morning whatever time they run.

Went for a light saunter this eveningā€¦ Still a bit tight but I think Iā€™ll be good to go for one bash at it over the weekend. A week off wonā€™t help the cause and I doubt Iā€™ll beat @Juhniallioā€™s timeā€¦ But Iā€™d love it, Iā€™d absolutely love it if I could dip Under 25.30 , thatā€™s the time Iā€™m aiming for but can see a 25.40 or there abouts.

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Nice to have something to aim forā€¦still hate hills thoughā€¦

Sub 25 next weekā€¦


Quaren good count

Nice last k, only 4 seconds off.

I went out for my fat manā€™s stumble earlier. I thought I was sub 32 handy so got complacent and eased off. Ended up with 32:04. Canā€™t be arsed taking a photo and uploading. My last km was 35 seconds quicker than my first so itā€™s like getting a par on the last to shoot a 99.



700m of last km is downhillā€¦ 1km hill at the start and two others sprinkled in is a dose but good for varying itā€¦

Nice to finish downhill! @Locke loves that.