Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

@ChocolateMice were you working in the market today?

I took a trek in the Ballyhouras today. Smashing day for it. Iā€™d say Iā€™m scalded.first time out around there. Very nice

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The mountain biking out around there is class. Rent a bike and bate around the place, great fun.


Great tracks up there

But we canā€™t house our own.

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Parked at a place called Darragh

According to sources, the 12 families that have resettled in Limerick ā€œare getting on very well and enjoying themselvesā€.

Iā€™m sure they are.

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I was driving earlier on today up Parnell street, through Wickham st, across William st and it was like a typical North London suburb.

Halal butchers, Kebab shops everywhere etcā€¦when did we sign up for that. Lads standing around smoking e-cigarettes with capes on. Crazy.

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I really enjoy my trips to Limerick too.

Iā€™m gone about a year, pal.

Listen killjoy. Theyā€™re only here to have fun. Why canā€™t you let them enjoy their brief stay. Are you that much of a cunt ?

I bet the Syrians wonā€™t be as fussy about where they get a free house

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Any of you Limerick lads know a place called Grean? Possibly near a place called Garrydoolis.

Limerick is a good place with good people

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Pallas Grean???

Hardly Grange?

Donā€™t think so.

Granagh ?;

Garrydoolois is near Pallas Greanā€¦out by OOla.