Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism


So that’s your excuse?

Nationalists couldn’t “trust” the police so it was okay for Gerry not to report? Interestingly earlier on you said;

Why didn’t the IRA investigate Gerry Adam’s brother? They “offered” to execute Maria Cahill’s rapist, why not Gerry Adams brother? Why didn’t Gerry Adams report his brother to the IRA for their own form of justice?

Please stop deflecting on Michael Noonan.

This is a Sinn FĂ©in thread, please stay on topic.

You can open a Michael Noonan and Grace topic If you wish.

I’ll repeat again;

For the record:

Tim Riggins has refused to condemn Michael Noonan and Fine Gael for his role as a sitting Government Minister in intervening to allow suspected child abusers access to vulnerable children.

This is a quite shocking stance.

Can you address this on topic issue please?

I believe that if the Inquiry finds wrongdoing by Noonan, he should be condemned and kicked out of Fine Gael.

The ex FF minister admitted he did not report things and should be condemned.

Will you condemn Gerry Adams for not reporting his brothers crimes that he knew odd?

Will you address the below?

Again for the record:

Tim Riggins has refused to condemn Michael Noonan and Fine Gael for his role as a sitting Government Minister in intervening to allow suspected child abusers access to vulnerable children.

We can take it by Fulvio’s refusal to deal with on topic matters that he supports the cover up of child abuse if the person in question is Gerry Adams.

What in God’s name are they thinking? :joy:

That’s your problem right there

Sweep sweeping along

Lads on here think this lot can run a country :joy:


That’s a fairly tame offence by SF standards

To be fair to SF here all their energy for the last three months was spent avoiding government so if they took their eye off the ball here it is understandable .


A shambles locally. But he should have been kicked out anyway.


How many years is that inquiry ongoing now just out of interest?

Of course you haven’t heard of that case because he’s not in SF, that’s the whole point.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy fighting the good fight here.

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You can read it all in the article pal.

Do you want to railroad over witnesses who have issues with talking?

I thought Holohan was no longer with the party but looks like he was readmitted recently
 A group of Dub local councillors broke protocol and nominated him without consulting with the party
which goes against everything the party is about. Fucking idiots
 My local Cuman are disgusted on multiple levels
 Paddy might of had some valid points on varadkar but his comments about underage sex and homophobia means he shouldn’t have been let back near the party.

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A bit like Michael Noonan and the Blushirts did to Brigid McCole?