More shame for the travelling community

My big fat gypsy island

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So despite all the spoofing by pavee point about recognition of travellers as an ethnic minority, it turns out they’re not really an ethnic minority at all :joy: You couldn’t make it up!

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One can argue, based on the article, that not alone are Irish travellers a separate ethnic group, but also a separate race (genetic drift from inbreeding). If the argument is they are the same genetically as settled Irish, then you have to accept you are also the same as a Spaniard. Which may of course be true, given your proximity to the Atlantic (the real Atlantic, not the pretend one).

This is what TFK has been missing in 2017.

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Tomorrow will go down as one of the blackest days in this little country of ours. When marauding gangs of thieving bastards will be given the ethnic status they crave so that they can go on the rob and rape us legally, with the full blessing and support of the state.


Time to tool up.

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Apart from a massive cash windfall for Pavee Point what does this mean for the travelling community? Serious question.

Very little I’d say. Bar more money for the ngo’s. Maybe it will force local authorities to actually spend the money allocated to them for traveller housing etc. There’s fairly robust legislation in place already regarding traveller rights this might just mean it gets implemented more. As far as education health and so on I couldn’t see it making much difference.

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All travellers should be rounded up and shot.


Disgusting comments here. Vile.

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Give him a ban .

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They’re hateful alright. Right up there with @Sidney repeatedly calling another poster a paedophile.


There’s a clear divide On travellers here. On one side you’ve got people who grew up around them and then you’ve the likes of @Rocko travellers have far far too much rights as it is.

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You let yourself down with the gross generalisation, there’s an awful lot of bad eggs among travellers but there’s plenty decent ones as well, we had the world of interaction with travellers growing up and most of it was good, the west Limerick crowd would give you a pain in the whole alright.

It’s like removing a tumour. Sometimes good tissue gets taken out along with the bad just to be saFe. Maybe 10 percent of travellors are semi ok but that doesn’t mean the rest should get some more rights.

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Will they get more rights if they are recognised as anew ethnic group?

Travellers are not people, I have said t before and I will say it again

Do we have any travellers on this halting site?


There’s a few business travellers. I suppose it depends on what they mean by ‘business’.