More Things That Are Wrong, just plain wrong

Read this and be grateful for what you have. I had to stop reading.


That’s absolutely horrendous story

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Fucking hell. That’s terrible.

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I wouldn’t fault you. That paragraph about the young lad finding the leaflet is horrific.

Brother in law had the same condition. My Mrs always wondered whether he knew what was coming, reckons he did but said nothing. You’d hope there’s some reward on the other side for them and the parents.

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FA Cup weekends.

They’re like the boring cunt who keeps showing up on friends’ nights out who all the rest of the group hate but are too polite to tell them to fuck off.

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English football needs to learn from the Continent and put these on midweek nights.


I wouldn’t mind but they always seem to fall on weekends when there’s no NFL action.

That applies to both the Irish NFL and the Yankee NFL.

The Yankee NFL can fuck off.

A good oul’ mate of mine was dealt an hammer blow on Saturday morning when his wife had a brain tumour/stroke. She’s on life support awaiting/hoping for a transfer to Beaumont.

Game over in my mind. I checked the RIP site…Disaster…

His mother (adoptive at 94) is dead now.

We can spoof and have the craic but that’s a bad call.


Sorry to hear that.

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They’ve made absolute shit of the EPL schedule with all the top teams now having games in hand.

Sorry to hear that also.

[quote=“Boxtyeater, post:4540, topic:20929, full:true”]
A good oul’ mate of mine was dealt an hammer blow on Saturday morning when his wife had a brain tumour/stroke. She’s on life support awaiting/hoping for a transfer to Beaumont.

He’d be more or less potless God help him. I was there all evening - he doesn’t know which side of him is up…

His great friends were there - to a man…I discreetly sussed the gathering and we agreed between us that we’d fund the funeral. I know in my heart of hearts if the roles were reversed he’d be the main man …

Loyal friends are a thing to treasure.


You’re a good sort Boxty.

A further update:

Honest to God lads I’ve had a hugely enjoyable/funny/tragic/emotional day…

I was getting Herself dressed for the funeral when the hall door took a battering…One of our own - a wealthy tycoon from London town, batin’ my door down to enquire about the financials…

A brace of Jemmy’s and we’re off…

Sad, sad occasion. My mate was adopted but, by Christ, did he love her…94 is a good run and she looked 64.

In true rural style we had what we’d call a “tangle” with the undertaker. A top/understanding guy.
He came into the pub afterwards and stuck the receipt - docket into my pals top pocket, marked Paid…

3 gents had a tenner e/w on that donkey Libarik @25’s…You can envisage the scenes…

Meanwhile my pal had to scoot to Sligo - the word from there isn’t good…


Schoolfriend of mine in a serious accident this morning, himself and his daughter in critical condition, not looking good. Sometimes life is indeed shit.

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Sorry to hear that chief. No matter how bad you think it is, there’s always someone worse off.

As lad said to me once “If everyone in this room put their problems on the table, you’d be glad to leave with your own”. Really put things in perspective.