NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

But Chris Whitty and John Edmonds are saying it’s real. Now, who knows, maybe I’m naive, but these are actual experts, and I don’t think they’d make stuff up for the fun of it.

If there is even a chance that what they are saying is true, then it’s a very serious development and countries are right to shut down travel from the UK.

Would you agree that a virus with the same effects but with 70% increased transmissibility would be a very serious public health matter, more serious than the already serious situation?

And that therefore, approaching the situation on the basis that this news is true is by far the most rational approach for policy makers?

I don’t think the new one is as bad. More infectious but less virulent.

Are flights still going to Belfast? And then ypu can drive back to the free state?

The one in South Africa is reported to be more dangerous to younger people.

I think a lot of the reports are to keep people locked down while a vaccine is imminent.


The virus in circulation is already highly infectious, the main reason efforts to suppress it are failing. The mutation of the spike protein that made it more infectious happened back in January and became the dominant strain over the following months. As I said I’ve seen no evidence that this claimed English strain is any more infectious than the virus in circulation in the rest of Europe and the US.

I suspect the UK government are looking at rising numbers and panicking.

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Your credibility re anything Covid related is shot to shit. Stop spamming the thread.

Its all so very sad. On the plus side however @Padraig_O_Gammon looks like being an outstanding addition to the forum and I for one just cannot wait to hear his views on the recent election held in the USA


Are you out from under the bed?

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An attempt at humour, that’s better.


Games gone

Have a good christmas Tassoti​:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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Boris getting advice from the likes of Gupta and Tegnell and look at where they are now. A lot of unnecessary deaths. Trump and Johnson have some amount of blood on their hands. In fairness to Tegnell he thought he was doing the right thing.

Gupta has outed herself as an ideological charlatan since this whole thing started. It’s unbelievable how people still listen to her. You might as well be taking advice from that grifter the “Fat Emperor”. Or Jim Corr.

A dangerous person. The mentallers on here hung on her every word.

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Word on the mainland is that this “new strain” has been known about since September, and is probably similar to the one in Spain earlier. Apparently, the govt daren’t admit that leaving London in tier 2 caused the spike, so basically lied, and blamed a more infectious strain, not, as usual, anticipating the response.
Or there’s this :slight_smile:


Again with the Bill Gates :smile:

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When are you rehashing your original Username? Throw off the cloak and grow a pair etc?