
It certainly hasn’t bothered you one bit.

This reply doesn’t make any sense.

Agreed. I was talking about the stuff he leaves in though. What he said is valid, well researched and common knowledge. I’m not claiming its the one true gospel. Its a monologue after all…Theres more pushback In the unravelled poscast, including the view that nazis, muslims, pro europeans etc are genuinely united and fighting side by side against putin, but that putin is out in the open for a to see- the americans not so much

“FDR chose the wrong side in World War II”, says @glenshane’s hero.

@glenshane having Putinist views makes perfect sense when you know he’s getting his views from a far right podcaster who claims the Nazis were the side to cheer for in World War II.

I’ve lived in this region for almost twenty seven years. I have nothing to learn from the likes of you.


So it seems. I suppose that’s why you’ve resorted to abuse, demial and lies. Fellas get very protective of their illusions.

Would you feel better if I started my sentence with “no offence pal”?

Come here fella, i feel fine. Im bemused at how lads have taken offence at a few obvious truths… The hysteria is off the charts. You etc haven’t even said or addressed exactly what it is that has you so worked up. Youre about as subtle and rational as a loyalist mob

From this……

To this….

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Surely theyre both saying the same thing?

If you believe so

Its fascinating to watch the mental gymnastics lads go through here sometimes.

He’ll say literally anything to square the circle as to why Putin did his Dictator thing and invaded Ukraine.


If i said something you disagree with, that supports putin etc you should point it out. This hanging on to anyones apron stings gig of yours is a bit pathetic

You should own your comments

I do. Fire up one youve a problem with

This article, for anyone curious about the likes of Darryl Cooper, is informative:

When you read any of these lads’ writing, remember the sort of middleaged white man, full as a tick with bile and anger at ‘woke’ ‘snowflakes’, who sneers about living in a comfy democracy. Some people want apocalypse as Prozac.

Funny world.

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Micheal Martins head will explode when he sees that