Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

just having another bit of ice cream now and a banana then off to bed

Always happy to help mate.

Whilst I operate at the cutting edge and throw ideas out there, you have that savage intensity to go and actually implement them. I don’t know how you do it.

Affordable DNA testing lad, its the nutribullet of 2016. I’ll PM when I know more.


you also gave me the push on bullet proof coffee, I can never repay you enough

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In order to continue my enjoyment of this thread, could someone explain the Emma Louise reference to me please, I’m not great with pop culture.

While a lot of the pictures of your meals look like a dogs breakfast @Tassotti I must say it is admirable that someone living on their own would spend so much time and effort on cooking for yourself, it’s something I took great pride in before I became encumbered.

I have a nice salmon recipe for you pal and it won’t impact your physique in the slightest. As a bonus it was given to me by a lovely English lass many, many moons ago, who is sadly no longer with us, and I’ve been making it in her honor ever since.

Rip a square of tinfoil and lay it on your table or floor, whatever it is. Place the farmed salmon fillet in the middle. Put a few slices of tomato and a few leaves of basil on top. Fold up the tinfoil to make a cube around the salmon, adding a splash of white wine infused with a bit of crushed garlic and pinch of salt and pepper before you finish sealing it. Most important, completely seal the tinfoil, you don’t want one molecule of EtOH escaping let alone one of H2O. Bake at 200C for 20 minutes and let sit for 5 minutes before opening to avoid scalding yourself. It’s delicate but delicious, a bit like the originator of the recipe.


A backhanded compliment

Funny, the first really fancy meal I ever cooked was fish in a bag, found myself briefly out of work in about 02 and got mad into cooking, the Naked Chef was huge so I bought one of his books and surprised herself with this when she came home from work, it’s still one of my go to dishes to impress, the liquid at the bottom of the bag is unreal.

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The baked potato looks fantastic

its organic

What variety is it? It’s got a lovely colour and bit of waxiness to it.
What’s the meat, is it a bit of organic rib eye?

it from the Tesco Finest Range, a King Edward the third I believe, you can only get them here proper spuds, thats a bit of 28 day ages rump

He’s been posting the same picture for two years now, the beef is well aged all right.


Spinach is unreal sauted with a bit of butter and garlic. I knocked out 15 miles tonight and needed some good proper food into me. The last 3 miles I really opened up my legs and expressed myself


I like to encourage his little efforts, can’t be easy cooking all that after 15 miles of something or other and eating it off his lap.


And juggling 5 plates.

Come again? Did you have a crap on her majesty’s front lawn?

No…he was circling the park bench where he was ‘raped’ before waiting for another lad to make love to him.


A small batch of fried rice. Spring onions, carrots, kale and parsley from the garden, two eggs from the coop, leftover basmati rice, ham, and finished with garlic butter and ginger soy sauce. A shout out to Scanpan, a superb Danish nonstick cookware company specializing in environmentally friendly products. They use 100% Aluminium from melted down beercans and a toxin free non stick surface that is indestructible. Pricy but worth it.