
Chicken Satay to start and a Phad Thai for mains.

I’m jumping in for the runt on the marinade debate. Especially with skirt steak which needs a marinade or some chimmichurri or something.

I marinaded two rib eyes recently in oil, balsamic, Dijon, garlic, bay leaves and thyme. Absolutely magnificent.

Never seen it in a supermarket mate but I will do as you have instructed.


Cod fillet fried in butter, home-made oven-cooked chips seasoned with thyme, rosemary, pepper and sea salt. No veg is good enough to place beside this august combination so I have not deigned to cook any.


Had a similar feast as I glanced at the SBP this morning.

No veg required mate. That’s a wonderfull feast.

This thread is the reason I registered for TFK.

Ordinary dinner but just had a berry crumble with home made custard after. Delicious

Rib eye steak, homemade oven chips, roasted courgette and asparagus with bernaise sauce on the side.

What did you marinade the steak in?

[quote=“The Runt, post: 295027”]

What did you marinade the steak in?[/quote]


Odd one tonight. Had to make a dinner out of scraps. So I had a couple of good Crowes sausages that I cut up small and fried them on the good cast iron pan With yesterday’s potatoes a bit of the ham chopped up small and a handful of brussel sprout. Lovely stuff altogether

That sounds disgusting mate.

You disgust me you pig of a man.

Wasn’t sure whether to post this in the things that are right thread or here but will put it here. Dr Oetker pizzas are very right and they are by some distance the best frozen pizza on the market. Having one here for the second night in a row and will be having another one tomorrow night. I’m having the pesto and red onion one here and had pepperoni last night, they are selling them for £1.49 in the supermarket.

Cobbled together probably the most pathetic tea I’ve ever had in my life tonight.

Two sausages, two slices of toast. That was so paltry I’ve had to have a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes. Still Lee Marvin but what else can I do? Fucking jokeshop.

Had two frys today one for the breakfast and one for the dinner

Nothing like a fry for the dinner in winter.

Are you the man who gives out about oven chips on this thread???

No i’m the one who waxes lyrical about oven chips.