Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs


Cage storage fees can be saucy (Cliffs of Moher a prime example) but that’s the price of bringing your cage everywhere I guess.


Agreed why not just take the Cart? Clare Area Rapid Transit


Hard to get to these places without a car

Cliffs charge per person in the car. Fuck all the passengers out at the visitor centre and drive in yourself

I dunno if they’d charge you the full €8 pp for the horse and cart, I’d imagine they’ll levy some kind of horse sustinence fee alright though.

Cliffs charge you entrance fee based on occupants in the car, not for parking. Saunter up/cycle and enjoy for free

It’s very expensive for what it is. To be honest I found the cliffs to be very underwhelming. I’d say you’d want to be getting one of the boat tours to get a proper appreciation of them.

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@Raylan must be coining it

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Paying to see an oul cliff and the country surrounded by them.


Out to the Aran Islands from doolin and you get a better view looking back at them then you do from standing up on them

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Park at Doolin Pier for nothing and walk back towards the Cliffs. You get an unreal view, a bit of exersise if you are a fat bastard as it is a 2 mile walk each way and I believe you meet the point where Fr Jack stuck the Holy Stone of Clonrichert up the Bishop’s arse. Plus you get a smashing pint of Guinness in O’Connors on your return while your other half can have a sparkling water and bring the cage home.



You need to be tall enough to see over the limestone safety wall to appreciate them properly.

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every time you drive in your cage you ruin your kids future you pig


Yet it’s ok for kids in poor countries to die mining lithium and cobalt for your EV?

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My bike doesnt have a battery

You kill children

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You eat beef & drive an ice car - you hate your children

We used lie on the edge as kids, with the head out over, and look down. Shudder.