Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

you fought with me for a few weeks on a fact you had wrong and claimed I was a Russian sympathiser, the whole time you were wrong.

I stand over everything else I’ve said and much of what you come out with comes across as russian sympathising. And while I got something wrong there, you regularly have facts wrong and jump to mad conclusions. EU army etc etc.

Facts you agree with :rofl:

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that’s opinion, I think an EU army is coming, based on the fact they’ve gone against their treaties and gone off budget to provide lethal arms to a non EU nation.
They’re also planning to provide training to the Ukrainian army. Again, that’s a basic fact. There is a EU defence force already, comprised of member nations, again a fact.

You threw a tantrum for a few weeks over the term self-declared republic

As opposed to your alternative facts?

Here’s another FACT you got wrong

DPR and LPR declared in 2014.

Here is is again. This is untrue. Would you ever stop making things up.

The EU’s treaties bar the bloc from using its normal budget to fund operations with military or defense implications. Under the plans announced Sunday, as first reported by POLITICO, the EU will use an off-budget so-called “European Peace Facility” financing instrument with a ceiling of €5 billion that can be used to provide military aid.

They’ve gone off budget… just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean it isn’t true

You just can’t stop being wrong… I’m surprised you aren’t very embarrassed

They’ve not gone against treaties. You said it was a fact that they had. This is untrue. You’re constantly at it.

it’s there in plain fucking black and white… is it the wording I use that gets you so upset?

They aren’t allowed use their budget for defense purposes according to the treaties, so they’ve gone off budget. They’ve gone against the treaties. Subverted them, gotten around it, gone off budget.

You’re wrong again, and outraged because you are so wrong

How would you word that?

That doesn’t go against the treaties. Look at it this way, the budget’s been agreed and is ringfenced. They’ve made an additional agreement. It doesn’t go against the treaties and it doesn’t undermine the treaties, the budget is still there and it is still ringfenced. This was a decision made by EU states by the way. Ireland agreed to it.

No, our foreign minister agreed to it. This is how the militarisation of the EU is being conducted. The EU is an economic union, not a military one.

I don’t agree with it, as is my entitlement and opinion.

They are barred from using EU budget for military operations. So they found away around it. It’s that simple. This is unprecedented. You might agree with it, I don’t. It doesn’t mean it didn’t happen

The EU has done some things well during this conflict, the sanctions are amazing, and some things I think they aren’t doing well. That’s my opinion.

If I criticize some part of the EU response, does that make me a Russian stooge in your eyes? Do I have to be all in, hand wringing in endorsement of everything you think?

You’re childlike in your response to hearing things you don’t like

Lads like Glas and Bandage need the Irish Times to tell them their opinion :smiley:

You may disagree with it if you like but it doesn’t go against the treaties as you have contended. In fact it’s enabled by the treaties because the council can, all together, make decisions like this. They do so regularly. Right now they’re coming up with mechanisms to address the energy crisis, during covid they came up with lots of other things.

On your last point, no you don’t need to agree with everything I say or the EU does. I disagree with lots of things the EU has done but I don’t make up wild theories that they’ve broken treaties or have a European army.

But if you do disagree with the EU funding the Ukrainian military, I would say that does indeed make you a Russian stooge, absolutely, yes.

I don’t agree with them funding any military, outside of the union, any even inside i wouldn’t agree with it. The EU was never meant to be a military alliance

I never said they’ve broken the treaties, they’ve gone against them, they’ve subverted the treaty to get funds into a military operation by using an off budget mecahinism

It’s not them, it’s us. Ireland has contributed 55million or so. And ok, fine, I think that makes you a Russian stooge.


there you have it. Criticising the EU = Russian Stooge.

Case closed folks

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Not true. You’ve performed another leap. I said that if you disagree with funding the Ukrainian military you are a Russian stooge. That’s a clear choosing of sides, what else would you be.

I don’t disagree with funding the Ukrainian military you thick, lying cunt. I’ve said so on numerous occassions. I disagree with it being done through an EU mechanism.

Let individual nations fund them, should they so choose, or maybe use the existing military alliances to do it. Just not another fucking military alliance that the World absolutely doesn’t need poking its nose in geo-politics

I’m actually done with you on this. You’re either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest, either way, you’re not worth a fuck